Release notes
This is the 0.25 release of TensorFlow Probability. It is
tested and stable against TensorFlow version 2.18 and JAX 0.4.35.
NOTE: In TensorFlow 2.16+, tf.keras (and tf.initializers, tf.losses, and tf.optimizers) refers to Keras 3. TensorFlow Probability is not compatible with Keras 3 -- instead TFP is continuing to use Keras 2, which is now packaged as tf-keras and tf-keras-nightly and is imported as tf_keras. When using TensorFlow Probability with TensorFlow, you must explicitly install Keras 2 along with TensorFlow (or install tensorflow-probability[tf] or tfp-nightly[tf] to automatically install these dependencies.)
Change notes
- Add mean + variance to tfd.Categorical.
Huge thanks to all the contributors to this release!
- bjp
- Chris Jewell
- Christopher Suter
- colcarroll
- emilyaf
- feyu
- jburnim
- leben
- lukes
- mrry
- phawkins
- siege
- Srinivas Vasudevan
- swijaya
- thomaswc
- ursk
- vanderplas