github tenable/terrascan v1.2.0

latest releases: v1.19.1, v1.18.12, v1.18.11...
3 years ago


a56270e Add check for visibility for github_repository
53657d0 Add instructions for booting terrascan demo
85a0666 Add line about kubernetes YAML/JSON support
c228665 Add new policy for checking insecure_ssl on github_organization_webhook
780408e Add policy set for GitHub provider
8b5f811 Add step-by-step instructions for interacting with the demo env
5b612ed Bring Go to 1.15 in Github Actions
414035d Bring Go to 1.15 in Github Actions
d6eb16e Fix typo
9792a28 Fixed messed up merge
cd2c0c5 Fixes header
e783b6b Fixes typo
35c1c54 Merge branch 'colorize' of into colorize
f799685 Merge branch 'master' into issue-325
2fe16cc Merge branch 'master' into issue-325
e1df4c1 Merge branch 'master' of
1f89abd Merge pull request #1 from accurics/master
afc78b5 Merge pull request #319 from kklin/demo-badge
570cc9b Merge pull request #333 from HorizonNet/issue-326
424c823 Merge pull request #334 from HorizonNet/issue-325
c061f02 Merge pull request #335 from accurics/readme-update-k8s
0b22a65 Merge pull request #336 from accurics/auto-pickup-supportedtypes
f380b89 Merge pull request #337 from accurics/docs/github-policies
dcd76dd Merge pull request #340 from accurics/pyup-update-mkdocs-material-5.5.12-to-5.5.14
9aad2cf Merge pull request #343 from kmonticolo/fix_typo
25a7c45 Merge pull request #344 from accurics/bugfix/fix-providers-unit-test
f1c80fe Merge pull request #345 from accurics/feature/downloader-support
45a6ee9 Merge pull request #346 from accurics/pyup-update-mkdocs-material-5.5.14-to-6.0.1
556d333 Merge pull request #347 from acc-jon/colorize
49f66ed Merge pull request #348 from accurics/pyup-update-mkdocs-material-6.0.1-to-6.0.2
347bee3 Merge pull request #350 from HorizonNet/issue-339
2c964d5 Merge pull request #351 from accurics/feature/support-resolve-variable-references
a8084f6 Merge pull request #354 from acc-jon/master
4a5d34d Merge pull request #356 from accurics/pyup-update-mkdocs-material-6.0.2-to-6.1.0
222bd31 Merge pull request #357 from accurics/feature/aws-serverless-regos
fd2bf7c Merge pull request #360 from accurics/bugfix/add-git-binary
935e3b0 Merge pull request #361 from accurics/bugfix/fix-http-request
d7bc4aa Merge pull request #366 from accurics/bugfix/large-file
7a8e07f Merge pull request #368 from acc-jon/master
fb7b01c Merge pull request #370 from accurics/pyup-update-mkdocs-material-6.1.0-to-6.1.2
411a4aa Merge pull request #371 from accurics/pyup-update-mkdocs-material-6.1.2-to-6.1.3
e3bb0bd Merge pull request #372 from acc-jon/master
d375f0e Merge pull request #373 from acc-jon/issue365
ba331e0 Merge pull request #374 from accurics/pyup-update-mkdocs-material-6.1.3-to-6.1.4
73d29aa Merge pull request #377 from williepaul/add-helm-support
5c96b2f Merge pull request #378 from dev-gaur/add_kustomize_support
19f5527 Merge pull request #381 from williepaul/fix-helm-subchart-rendering
6512163 Merge pull request #383 from gliptak/patch-1
6b484b1 Merge pull request #384 from gliptak/patch-2
62a3549 Merge pull request #385 from williepaul/disable-cgo-in-dockerfile
ee0bd01 Merge pull request #388 from therasec/docs/1.2.0
25d5b56 Merge pull request #389 from kklin/rm-demo
2d1374b Merge pull request #390 from kanchwala-yusuf/update-version/1.2.0
64a974a Remove demo badge
f536982 Remove demo badge
f4d9bd5 Renamed GitHub repository policy ID
51c3eb8 Update demo docs to use new Blimp demo version
84bb503 Update mkdocs-material from 5.5.12 to 5.5.14
e3f1b02 Update mkdocs-material from 5.5.14 to 6.0.1
0c7aa1e Update mkdocs-material from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
2e6f213 Update mkdocs-material from 6.0.2 to 6.1.0
700b668 Update mkdocs-material from 6.1.0 to 6.1.2
ad98ac2 Update mkdocs-material from 6.1.2 to 6.1.3
164964a Update mkdocs-material from 6.1.3 to 6.1.4
c2a3b43 add JSON termcolor tests
bf715f3 add JSON termcolor tests
0481625 add ability to download remote repository in CLI
fc46888 add comments, debug log messages and code clean up
c4457da add config only option to remote repo scanning API in http server
11be46b add cty map to golang map converter
c3c2fc6 add downloader support
c57aa66 add function to return list of supported Iac Types
a15af41 add function to return list of supported policy types
fe1044b add git binary to terrascan docker image, required by downloader
637d286 add method to clean up cached/installed repositories
d834e2e add method to download remote repo with type specified
d88a767 add method to generate random string
8492103 add policy path for tests
d8b9d7c add remote scanning support in http server
8b274be add support for colored output
24272d0 add support for colored output
5fd0685 add support for downloading remote modules in terraform v12 Iac scanning
c79f2a8 add support for resolving variable references for file scan
659e15b add support for resolving variable references in a module
538704c add support for resolving variables initialized/overriden in module calls
160743f add support to download remote repo in CLI
392c486 add support to get list of iac types with default versions
10bd8c9 add support to resolve cross module references
1bfce05 add support to resolve lookup references
0b0103e add support to resolve references in a slice
3d19a3f add supported to resolve multiple references in the same expression
e057bfe add unit test for GenRandomString() method
e72bf36 add unit test for downloader methods
530d679 add unit test for remote module installer clean up
58d4745 add unit tests for GetURLSubDir
25d8b94 add unit tests for module-download file
7c9fa06 add unit tests for policy package
ece2ab1 added kustomize support
442e39a added vendor/ in .gitignore
b92d331 address #365 by properly handling submodule path
6d5d3be adds analytics
bde73b6 adds clarification on default behavior
c0b5705 adds documentation for '-t all' flag
b2ea41d adds helm docs
e1a0422 adds initial helm support - supports loading of helm v3 charts via the iac dir command (iac file is invalid) - adds default iac versions for all iac types - adds unit tests - adds ability to properly specify default iac version for a given iac type
57ac4a2 adds kustomize to docs
733831c adds new policies
e910754 adds policy docs
7ed87c5 adds policy to check kms on lambdas
e07d60d adds rego checking lambda is config to launch on a vpc
5530d27 adds rego for insecure cors config
14fb90e adds rule for cloudwatch logs encryption
8dc98c2 adds section for github policies
ae5d650 allow config file for global policy config
82ea9ac allow multiple cloud types, default to all
4b8d917 automatically pick supported Iac versions for help display
1a2f072 change file name
7e73f26 changes
34870a6 changing repo for testing
a332115 changing repo url from ssh to http
1a35277 clean up flag handling
2a0e3ac clean up flag handling
250d464 commenting a log message for now
220795f fix a bug when rendering subcharts - in some cases, subcharts could not be rendered properly - change how we render values such that default capabilities are set, preventing rendering errors - set lintmode to true to allow ignoring of certain rendering errors from within the rendering engine - add resource count checking to load-dir unit tests - update error messages to make sure we are including the error data
d5bde39 fix gofmt errors
eb26ba5 fix imports
ec68170 fix indentation
9c460f4 fix indentation
f1f5231 fix lint, style issues
24c4948 fix logging init. clean up tests. use globlal toml config file for policy config
8d4bad1 fix send request method, previously hardcoded
772901b fix sonarcloud issues - avoids some repeated strings by using logger.With() - move rendering code into a separate function - remove a duplicate test - add more comments
83473ea fix sonarcloud issues - try #2 with cognitive complexity by moving for loop outside of the render func - update error level of some log messages
577d5ca fix style
bbc2f90 fix style issue
94cd15a fix style, tests for policy type "all"
695801c fix supported providers unit test, sort the wanted result
b038fab fix test args
43c4970 fix typo
6889c14 fix typo
613d2e5 fix unit tests
daecab4 fix unit tests - make sure empty directories are created by adding a placeholder file
545692f fixes dockerfile build issues - disables CGO to prevent any dependencies from failing the build - the GOARCH variable was named incorrectly and not being picked up during the docker build - locked both the alpine and golang versions for the docker build
ed26230 fixes policy name
48b6ea8 fixes review comments - adds .yml to the valid list of chart yamls - default to 1 instead of 0 for source line in the helm_chart resource - TODO: add values.yml support for rancher
a8fce5a fixes severity
95401c4 fixes severity
d23b460 fixes typo
b0f28f1 fixes typo and removes severity from reference id
62ce1c1 fixing error messages for unit tests
fdc888a fixing exisiting unit tests
368fd23 fixing unit tests
dcd6cb7 import 'sort' package
f5fed60 improve isRef method, reorder switch cases for str ref resolution
b5778ea improve regex pattern, getLocalName method and string replace method for local references
308c69b improve regex pattern, getLocalName method and string replace method for lookup references
d27c892 improve regex pattern, getLocalName method and string replace method for module references
876587a improve regex pattern, getLocalName method and string replace method for variable references
4bf99eb improve variable regex pattern, improve gwtVarName method
25f258c last minute fixes
5960227 load global config from toml config file
5789f8f making staticcheck happy
8ac4d82 missing access logs
09d81f8 optimized yaml utility function
0e3d31a organizing reference resolution into multiple files
4f99d24 pick automatically pick up list of supported types in cli help
557294c properly handle nested submodules (#365)
765a2ef refactor and add unit test for remote scan repo API handler
794df55 refactor downloader package, add downloader interface
d1806c3 refactor module download
5183da8 refactor styling to support styles file
2eed6bc refactor styling to support styles file
2f6b772 refactoring downloader package
9385d11 remove Chart.yml from valid helm chart names - Chart.yml is used by rancher, but we would likely support rancher in a separate iac type, so removing from helm
54b4891 remove redundant methods from cli/run.go
ff4b428 removes comment
c89ee87 removes large file
54ab58d removes severity from reference ids
03ac868 removing code smells
bac379d reverting back the unit test cases changes
04be644 reverts to using latest
aea0e0b rewording
20f32e0 rewording
3508fe5 sort supportedPolicyTypes output
fff04ae trying to resolve sonar cloud code duplication issue
8a523ad update debug log messages
53db1a0 update go mod files
388a93b update module files
77be67d update module files
b10a8e1 update version to v1.2.0
cfc49ca updates changelog
37d0f15 updates description
a5cc45f updates error message severity and suppresses a normalization error - errors were output when helm template rendering created a blank file, which is still valid yaml - the "invalid kind" message is suppressed in this case, since rendering an empty template may be intentional - error log levels and also error messages were updated per review comments
af0af4d updates latest k8s policies
acf5e18 updates version and kustomize support
1f643b1 updating regex and logs
45d2b18 updating scannign section with additional examples

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