github temporalio/temporal v0.23.1

latest releases: v1.26.2-124.0, v1.25.2, v1.26.2-123.1...
4 years ago

This is a follow-up release to alpha release v0.23.0 containing fixes for TLS enabled clusters and XDC replication.

Release Highlights

  1. Temporal now has support for TLS configuration. Please checkout doc to learn more. Support for TLS in tctl and temporal-web is still in-progress.
  2. Simplified workflow execution timeouts. Now all workflow timeouts are optional. Each workflow execution now has 3 timeouts: WorkflowExecutionTimeout, WorkflowRunTimeout, and WorkflowTaskTimeout.
  3. Removed ExpirationInterval from RetryPolicy. Instead WorkflowExecutionTimeout is used to stop retries.
  4. All payloads (workflow input, activity input, etc) send to Temporal now have both headers and data fields.

Helpful links to get you started with Temporal

Temporal Docs
Java SDK
Java Samples
Go Samples
Helm Chart

Docker images for this alpha release (use tag 0.23.0):

Server With Auto Setup
CLI (tctl)

Things we are still working on

  1. We are still working and cleaning some internal API contracts. So more breaking changes are coming. So please don't use this for production setup yet.
  2. Stress and Performance testing.

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