github temporalio/sdk-java v1.23.1

latest releases: v1.27.1, v1.27.0, v1.26.2...
10 months ago


Fixed an issue where serialization context may not be applied when serializing failures in certain scenarios.


2024-03-11 - a64b6e5 - Replace buildkite with github actions (#2004)
2024-03-13 - abea318 - Switch build status badge to GH action (#2005)
2024-03-25 - f205d1c - Remove experimental flag from StartDelay (#2015)
2024-03-28 - 0c6c566 - Add StickyTaskQueueDrainTimeout (#2019)
2024-03-31 - 29d23d0 - Make sure task failures use a serialization context (#2022)

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