Changes (since 2.3.0):
- [cygnus-common][SQLBackendImpl] Exception handle for connection/statement SQL objects (#1907)
- [cygnus-ngsi][RowAggregator] Handle metadata as json. This is to upgrade json-like sinks behaviour (#1902)
- [cygnus-ngsi][ColumnAggregator] Fix attribute type key to make it unique (#1904)
- [cygnus-ngsi][PostgisSink, PostgreSQLSink] Implement records expiration for Postgis and PostgreSQL sinks (#1915)
- [cygnus-ngsi][ColumnAggregator] Handle metadata as json. This is to upgrade json-like sinks behaviour (#1902)
- [cygnus-ngsi][CKANSink] Fix bug about bad service name used by CKAN orgName with a name mapping (#1910)
- [cygnus-ngsi][CKANSink] Add flag option to disable metatada in CKAN (#1912)