github telefonicaid/fiware-cygnus 2.14.0

latest releases: 3.9.0, 3.8.0, 3.7.0...
2 years ago

Changes (since 2.13.0):

  • [cygnus-ngsi][MySQL, PostgreSQL, Postgis sinks] Replace enable_last_data to last data mode sink config option: (upsert,insert,both), default is insert
  • [cygnus-common][SQLBackendImpl] Fix: use all related queries when upsert error for logs, exception and persistError (#2088)
  • [cygnus-common][SQLBackendImpl] Fix: use schema for postgis destination at sql insert query (#2085)
  • [cygnus-common][SQLBackendImpl] Force to cast to ::text to ensure to_timestamp upsert (#2087)

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