github tektoncd/pipeline v0.60.0
Tekton Pipeline release v0.60.0 "Chinchilla Tobor"

latest releases: v0.61.0, v0.53.7, v0.56.5...
one month ago

🎉 Artifacts through Sidecar Logs and Concise Resolver Syntax(Stage I)🎉

-Docs @ v0.60.0
-Examples @ v0.60.0

Installation one-liner

kubectl apply -f


The Rekor UUID for this release is 24296fb24b8ad77a0f4210b40d70db3c3f419f177c49cdf9af22ac6e6f490d1141db7ca4ecb37796

Obtain the attestation:

rekor-cli get --uuid $REKOR_UUID --format json | jq -r .Attestation | jq .

Verify that all container images in the attestation are in the release file:


# Obtains the list of images with sha from the attestation
REKOR_ATTESTATION_IMAGES=$(rekor-cli get --uuid "$REKOR_UUID" --format json | jq -r .Attestation | jq -r '.subject[]|.name + ":v0.60.0@sha256:" + .digest.sha256')

# Download the release file
curl "$RELEASE_FILE" > release.yaml

# For each image in the attestation, match it to the release file
  printf $image; grep -q $image release.yaml && echo " ===> ok" || echo " ===> no match";



  • ✨ feat: Surface artifacts through sidecar container logs. (#7883)

Surface artifacts through sidecar container logs.

  • ✨ add namespace label/tag to non-deprecated throttle metrics (#7879)

Add 'namespace' label/tag to the 'tekton_pipelines_controller_running_taskruns_throttled_by_quota' and 'tekton_pipelines_controller_running_taskruns_throttled_by_node' metrics, as kubernetes quota definitions are namespace scoped, hence certain namespaces may be more susceptible to quota throttling than others, and in a multi-node environment, not all namespaces are necessarily on the same node.

To enable this new label/tag, set 'metrics.taskrun.throttle.enable-namespace' to 'true' in the 'config-observability' ConfigMap

  • ✨ TEP-0154: Enable concise resolver syntax - stage 1 (#7845)

TEP-0154: Enable concise resolver syntax

  • ✨ Add reason tag to duration metrics (#7812)

The reason tag has been added to the duration metrics of taskrun and pipelinerun.


  • 🐛 Propagate params in pipelines (#7930)

Enable propagating params in Pipelines.

  • 🐛 Fix version mismatch of aws-sdk-go-v2 (#7921)

Fixing "401 Not Authorized" using Image from private AWS ECR without specifying "command" or "script" in Task.

  • 🐛 allow for retry on typically transient k8s errors in both core controller and resolver for remote resolution (#7894)

This fix address the lack of retry on transient kubernetes errors during remote resolution for tasks, etc.

  • 🐛 Fix: Faulty Remote Resource Accepted by Remote Resolution (#7952)
  • 🐛 minor followup to PR 7894 (#7950)
  • 🐛 fix: prevent repeated setting of pipeline name label (#7732)
  • 🐛 fix: when using remote resources, the related metrics tag name is wrong (#7731)


  • 🔨 Deprecate current resolution framework (#7945)

Mark current resolver framework as deprecated. Note: we are not removing the interface to be compatible with our Go policy.

  • 🔨 misc: promote stepAction to beta (#7920)

promote StepActions to beta

  • 🔨 fix: artifactsFlag (#7914)

fix defaultEnableArtifacts flag uses wrong name

  • 🔨 Upgraded Remote Resolution Framework (#7910)

Upgraded remote resolution framework.

  • 🔨 Bump from 1.26.0 to 1.27.0 (#7975)
  • 🔨 Bump from 1.26.0 to 1.27.0 (#7972)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 3.25.5 to 3.25.6 (#7968)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 4.1.5 to 4.1.6 (#7967)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump from 1.58.1 to 1.58.2 in /tools (#7966)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump from 1.7.15 to 1.7.17 (#7961)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump from 0.27.13 to 0.27.14 in /test/custom-task-ctrls/wait-task-beta (#7949)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump from 0.27.13 to 0.27.14 in /test/custom-task-ctrls/wait-task-beta (#7948)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump from 1.63.2 to 1.64.0 (#7947)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump from 1.9.4 to 1.9.6 (#7946)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump the all group in /tekton with 3 updates (#7944)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump ossf/scorecard-action from 2.3.1 to 2.3.3 (#7943)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 3.25.3 to 3.25.5 (#7942)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump tj-actions/changed-files from 44.3.0 to 44.4.0 (#7941)
  • 🔨 Add image replacement for amd64 specific image for entrypoint-resolution test and update docker-in-docker test image for Power. (#7937)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump from 1.58.0 to 1.58.1 in /tools (#7936)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1 (#7934)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 4.1.4 to 4.1.5 (#7933)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump the all group in /tekton with 4 updates (#7932)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump from 1.34.0 to 1.34.1 (#7931)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump from 1.14.30 to 1.14.34 (#7928)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump from 1.57.2 to 1.58.0 in /tools (#7927)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump from 1.33.0 to 1.34.0 (#7926)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump the all group in /tekton with 2 updates (#7925)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4 (#7924)
  • 🔨 chore(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 3.25.1 to 3.25.3 (#7923)


  • 📖 Update for v0.59 (#7917)
  • 📖 v1beta1 fields updated to v1 in docs and examples (#7873)


Thanks to these contributors who contributed to v0.60.0!

Extra shout-out for awesome release notes:

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