github tektoncd/pipeline v0.27.3
Tekton Pipeline release v0.27.3 "Tonkinese Talos"

latest releases: v0.61.0, v0.53.7, v0.56.5...
2 years ago

🎉 Support for Kubernetes 1.22 🎉

-Docs @ v0.27.3
-Examples @ v0.27.3

Installation one-liner

kubectl apply -f

Upgrade Notices

This is the first Tekton Pipelines release with support for Kubernetes 1.22. There are no other changes.



  • 🐛 Patch vendor/ apimachinery to work on 1.22 (#4164)

Backport adding Subresource field to ManagedField entries in our vendor/ folder to make tektoncd/pipeline work on k8s 1.22.


Thanks to these contributors who contributed to v0.27.3!

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