github tektoncd/pipeline v0.17.3
Tekton Pipeline release v0.17.3 "Raas Rapbot"

latest releases: v0.59.0, v0.50.6, v0.47.9...
3 years ago

🎉 Bug-fix release 🎉

-Docs @ v0.17.3
-Examples @ v0.17.3

Installation one-liner

kubectl apply -f

Upgrade Notices




  • 🐛 [cherry-pick] Avoid dangling symlinks in git-init (#3485)

Fixed a bug in git-init that allowed a circular symlink to be created from /root/.ssh to itself if no SSH credentials are present in the service account and the disable-home-env-overwrite flag is set to "true".

  • 🐛 [cherry-pick] pkg/git: fix ssh credentials detection 🦀 (#3484)

fix ssh credential wrong detection in git-init


Thanks to these contributors who contributed to v0.17.3!

Extra shout-out for awesome release notes:

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