github tektoncd/pipeline v0.16.1
Tekton Pipeline release v0.16.1 "Dolores Rex"

latest releases: v0.59.0, v0.50.6, v0.47.9...
3 years ago

🎉 Fix Cloud Events connection leak! 🎉

Note: be on the lookout for v0.16.2 which will include critical fixes to when expressions.

-Docs @ v0.16.1
-Examples @ v0.16.1

Installation one-liner

kubectl apply -f


  • 🐛 This release fixes an issue with the cloud event delivery that lead to an increasingly high number of open (idle) connections towards the configured target URL. The fix is achieved by disabling keep-alive, which means that - at least for now - we will be setting up a new connection for every cloud event. This is the current behaviour too, only now old connections will be closed immediately. (#3201, #3215)


Thanks to these contributors who contributed to v0.16.1!

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