github tektoncd/cli v0.10.0

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4 years ago

v0.10.0 Release πŸŽ‰

TektonCD CLI 0.10.0 is a major release that adds compatibility with TektonCD
Pipeline 0.13.0 and TektonCD Triggers 0.5.0 with v1beta1 support for commands
and with backward compatibility for v1alpha1.

We have a new shiny new task start interactive πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ³, improved the describe
commands πŸ‚ and provide an interactive prompt for Pipelineruns and Taskruns πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ
among other features, fixes and cleanups πŸ§œπŸ½β€β™‚οΈ


Features ✨

  • #987 Task start interactive mode
  • #890 Provides an interactive Prompt to select a PipelineRun/TaskRun
  • #935 Add Task start E2E tests
  • #947 Improve get pipelines version func
  • #981 Add triggers version info to the version command
  • #962 Add Task timeout and params in Pipeline Desc
  • #971 Add no-headers and all-namespaces flags for resource list
  • #960 Provides --last option of the describe of PipelineRun/TaskRun to describe the most recent PipelineRun/TaskRun
  • #991 Display conditions in the pipeline describe command
  • #977 Modified TriggerTemplate describe command for ResourceTemplates

Fixes πŸ›

  • #793 Change clusterTask timeout from int to string and remove -t shorthand
  • #952 Remove Default 1h for clustertask --timeout
  • #954 Remove tkn create -f
  • #964 fix task start with file
  • #973 Fix triggerbinding and template list error messages
  • #993 Fix tkn task delete --trs deletes ClusterTaskrun also
  • #1002 Add --trs flag in tkn ct delete command
  • #990 Fix --keep with TaskRun and PipelineRun Delete when Using --task or --pipeline Flags
  • #1016 Fix Debian package having an incorrect package name

Miscs 🧹

  • #953 Bump plumbing to recent master πŸ‘Ό
  • #967 Update Readme with s390x build usage
  • #975 Enable yaml lint
  • #974 Refactoring for --all-namespace flag
  • #961 Makefile changes for new skipCheckFlag
  • #985 Switch to for Yaml Unmarshal
  • #979 Restructure e2e Tests to Improve Organization
  • #986 Fix 'Edit this page' and 'Create an issue' links on the website
  • #996 Change Taskrun and PipelineRun Delete Test Names
  • #989 Fix to provide error in case of no pr logs

Dependencies bumps πŸ‘―

  • #1001 Bump tektoncd/pipeline to v0.12.1
  • #1003 Bump tektoncd/triggers to v0.5.0
  • #1017 Bump tektoncd/pipeline to v0.13.0

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