github tchapi/davis v4.4.1

latest releases: v4.4.3, v4.4.2
5 months ago

What's Changed

  • Timezone: add the ability to change it easily in #100
  • Allow admin auth bypass in #130

How to upgrade

There's nothing much to do, but you can:

  1. Add the (optional) APP_TIMEZONE env var if you want to enforce the timezone. By default, timezone is not enforced (which should yield the same behavior as before).


If you pass the timezone in a Docker env, take care of not including quotes " around the value of the timezone, as they will be passed down to Davis which will result in a bad timezone id. (See the example Docker env file for reference)

  1. If you use an external auth provider (such as Authelia) in front of Davis, you can now disable the baked-in auth easily with the ADMIN_AUTH_BYPASS env var (set it to true). By default, nothing changes from the previous release.

💁🏼‍♂️ Also, if you're coming from a release before 4.4.0, please do not forget to run the migration process below

Thanks @MuratovAS for the challenge on auth mechanisms

Full Changelog: v4.4.0...v4.4.1

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