github tauri-apps/tauri tauri-utils-v1.3.0
tauri-utils v1.3.0

Updating index

Cargo Audit

Fetching advisory database from ``
      Loaded 543 security advisories (from /home/runner/.cargo/advisory-db)
    Updating index
    Scanning Cargo.lock for vulnerabilities (520 crate dependencies)
Crate:     kuchiki
Version:   0.8.1
Warning:   unmaintained
Title:     `kuchiki` is unmaintained
Date:      2023-01-21
ID:        RUSTSEC-2023-0019
Dependency tree:
kuchiki 0.8.1
├── wry 0.24.1
│   └── tauri-runtime-wry 0.13.0
│       └── tauri 1.3.0
│           ├── tauri 1.3.0
│           ├── restart 0.1.0
│           └── app-updater 0.1.0
└── tauri-utils 1.3.0
    ├── tauri-tauri-config-schema 0.0.0
    ├── tauri-runtime-wry 0.13.0
    ├── tauri-runtime 0.13.0
    │   ├── tauri-runtime-wry 0.13.0
    │   └── tauri 1.3.0
    ├── tauri-macros 1.3.0
    │   └── tauri 1.3.0
    ├── tauri-codegen 1.3.0
    │   ├── tauri-macros 1.3.0
    │   └── tauri-build 1.3.0
    │       └── app-updater 0.1.0
    ├── tauri-build 1.3.0
    └── tauri 1.3.0

Crate:     atty
Version:   0.2.14
Warning:   unsound
Title:     Potential unaligned read
Date:      2021-07-04
ID:        RUSTSEC-2021-0145
Dependency tree:
atty 0.2.14
├── colored 2.0.0
│   └── mockito 0.31.1
│       └── tauri 1.3.0
│           ├── tauri 1.3.0
│           ├── restart 0.1.0
│           └── app-updater 0.1.0
└── clap 3.2.25
    └── tauri 1.3.0

warning: 2 allowed warnings found


  • Added the additional_browser_args option to the window configuration.
    • 3dc38b15 feat(core): expose additional_browser_args to window config (fix: #5757) (#5799) on 2022-12-14
  • Added the content_protected option to the window configuration.
  • Correctly determine mime type of .less, .sass and .styl files.
    • 5fdf8dcb fix(core): mime type of .less, .sass and .styl files (#6316) on 2023-02-19
  • Bump minimum supported Rust version to 1.60.
    • 5fdc616d feat: Use the zbus-backed of notify-rust (#6332) on 2023-03-31
  • Add initial support for building nsis bundles on non-Windows platforms.
    • 60e6f6c3 feat(bundler): Add support for creating NSIS bundles on unix hosts (#5788) on 2023-01-19
  • Add nsis bundle target
  • Added configuration to specify remote URLs allowed to access the IPC.
    • ee71c31f feat(core): allow configuring remote domains with IPC access, closes #5088 (#5918) on 2023-04-11

Cargo Publish

Updating index
   Packaging tauri-utils v1.3.0 (/home/runner/work/tauri/tauri/core/tauri-utils)
   Verifying tauri-utils v1.3.0 (/home/runner/work/tauri/tauri/core/tauri-utils)
 Downloading crates ...
  Downloaded itoa v0.4.8
  Downloaded phf_macros v0.8.0
  Downloaded ppv-lite86 v0.2.17
  Downloaded rand_chacha v0.3.1
  Downloaded rand_pcg v0.2.1
  Downloaded siphasher v0.3.10
  Downloaded uuid v1.3.2
  Downloaded derive_more v0.99.17
  Downloaded fnv v1.0.7
  Downloaded cfb v0.7.3
  Downloaded dtoa v0.4.8
  Downloaded thin-slice v0.1.1
  Downloaded getrandom v0.1.16
  Downloaded iana-time-zone v0.1.56
  Downloaded lock_api v0.4.9
  Downloaded num-integer v0.1.45
  Downloaded parking_lot v0.12.1
  Downloaded precomputed-hash v0.1.1
  Downloaded phf_shared v0.10.0
  Downloaded proc-macro-hack v0.5.20+deprecated
  Downloaded rand v0.7.3
  Downloaded rand v0.8.5
  Downloaded string_cache v0.8.7
  Downloaded time v0.3.20
  Downloaded utf-8 v0.7.6
  Downloaded time-macros v0.2.8
  Downloaded time-core v0.1.0
  Downloaded convert_case v0.4.0
  Downloaded darling_core v0.20.1
  Downloaded serde_with_macros v2.3.3
  Downloaded treediff v4.0.2
  Downloaded string_cache_codegen v0.5.2
  Downloaded kuchiki v0.8.1
  Downloaded tendril v0.4.3
  Downloaded servo_arc v0.1.1
  Downloaded serde_with v2.3.3
  Downloaded html5ever v0.25.2
  Downloaded json-patch v1.0.0
  Downloaded phf_macros v0.10.0
  Downloaded phf v0.8.0
  Downloaded mac v0.1.1
  Downloaded futf v0.1.5
  Downloaded cssparser v0.27.2
  Downloaded selectors v0.22.0
  Downloaded infer v0.12.0
  Downloaded chrono v0.4.24
  Downloaded stable_deref_trait v1.2.0
  Downloaded rustc_version v0.4.0
  Downloaded rand_core v0.5.1
  Downloaded phf_shared v0.8.0
  Downloaded phf_generator v0.10.0
  Downloaded phf_generator v0.8.0
  Downloaded phf_codegen v0.8.0
  Downloaded phf v0.10.1
  Downloaded parking_lot_core v0.9.7
  Downloaded num-traits v0.2.15
  Downloaded nodrop v0.1.14
  Downloaded new_debug_unreachable v1.0.4
  Downloaded matches v0.1.10
  Downloaded markup5ever v0.10.1
  Downloaded getrandom v0.2.9
  Downloaded fxhash v0.2.1
  Downloaded dtoa-short v0.3.3
  Downloaded cssparser-macros v0.6.0
  Downloaded darling_macro v0.20.1
  Downloaded darling v0.20.1
  Downloaded ctor v0.1.26
  Downloaded rand_core v0.6.4
  Downloaded rand_chacha v0.2.2
   Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.56
   Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.8
   Compiling quote v1.0.26
   Compiling libc v0.2.142
   Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0
   Compiling ppv-lite86 v0.2.17
   Compiling siphasher v0.3.10
   Compiling getrandom v0.1.16
   Compiling syn v1.0.109
   Compiling syn v2.0.15
   Compiling rand_core v0.5.1
   Compiling rand_chacha v0.2.2
   Compiling rand_pcg v0.2.1
   Compiling phf_shared v0.8.0
   Compiling rand v0.7.3
   Compiling getrandom v0.2.9
   Compiling serde_derive v1.0.160
   Compiling phf_generator v0.8.0
   Compiling rand_core v0.6.4
   Compiling serde v1.0.160
   Compiling proc-macro-hack v0.5.20+deprecated
   Compiling rand_chacha v0.3.1
   Compiling phf_shared v0.10.0
   Compiling rand v0.8.5
   Compiling phf_generator v0.10.0
   Compiling phf_codegen v0.8.0
   Compiling autocfg v1.1.0
   Compiling smallvec v1.10.0
   Compiling lock_api v0.4.9
   Compiling fnv v1.0.7
   Compiling parking_lot_core v0.9.7
   Compiling phf_macros v0.8.0
   Compiling new_debug_unreachable v1.0.4
   Compiling log v0.4.17
   Compiling scopeguard v1.1.0
   Compiling phf v0.8.0
   Compiling string_cache_codegen v0.5.2
   Compiling precomputed-hash v0.1.1
   Compiling byteorder v1.4.3
   Compiling strsim v0.10.0
   Compiling ident_case v1.0.1
   Compiling mac v0.1.1
   Compiling futf v0.1.5
   Compiling darling_core v0.20.1
   Compiling markup5ever v0.10.1
   Compiling parking_lot v0.12.1
   Compiling cssparser v0.27.2
   Compiling dtoa v0.4.8
   Compiling tinyvec_macros v0.1.1
   Compiling utf-8 v0.7.6
   Compiling once_cell v1.17.1
   Compiling serde_json v1.0.96
   Compiling string_cache v0.8.7
   Compiling tendril v0.4.3
   Compiling tinyvec v1.6.0
   Compiling dtoa-short v0.3.3
   Compiling darling_macro v0.20.1
   Compiling selectors v0.22.0
   Compiling html5ever v0.25.2
   Compiling cssparser-macros v0.6.0
   Compiling ryu v1.0.13
   Compiling convert_case v0.4.0
   Compiling nodrop v0.1.14
   Compiling stable_deref_trait v1.2.0
   Compiling thiserror v1.0.40
   Compiling matches v0.1.10
   Compiling itoa v1.0.6
   Compiling itoa v0.4.8
   Compiling servo_arc v0.1.1
   Compiling derive_more v0.99.17
   Compiling darling v0.20.1
   Compiling unicode-normalization v0.1.22
   Compiling fxhash v0.2.1
   Compiling thiserror-impl v1.0.40
   Compiling thin-slice v0.1.1
   Compiling bitflags v1.3.2
   Compiling unicode-bidi v0.3.13
   Compiling uuid v1.3.2
   Compiling semver v1.0.17
   Compiling percent-encoding v2.2.0
   Compiling memchr v2.5.0
   Compiling form_urlencoded v1.1.0
   Compiling cfb v0.7.3
   Compiling idna v0.3.0
   Compiling serde_with_macros v2.3.3
   Compiling treediff v4.0.2
   Compiling phf_macros v0.10.0
   Compiling serde_with v2.3.3
   Compiling phf v0.10.1
   Compiling json-patch v1.0.0
   Compiling kuchiki v0.8.1
   Compiling infer v0.12.0
   Compiling url v2.3.1
   Compiling ctor v0.1.26
   Compiling heck v0.4.1
   Compiling tauri-utils v1.3.0 (/home/runner/work/tauri/tauri/target/package/tauri-utils-1.3.0)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 42.92s
    Packaged 19 files, 214.9KiB (53.6KiB compressed)
   Uploading tauri-utils v1.3.0 (/home/runner/work/tauri/tauri/core/tauri-utils)
    Updating index
     Waiting on `tauri-utils` to propagate to index (ctrl-c to wait asynchronously)
    Updating index
    Updating index
    Updating index
    Updating index
    Updating index
    Updating index
    Updating index
    Updating index
    Updating index

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