github tailwindlabs/tailwindcss v4.0.0-beta.7

latest releases: v3.4.17, v4.0.0-beta.8
pre-releaseone day ago


  • Export tailwindcss/lib/util/flattenColorPalette for backward compatibility (#15318)
  • Improve debug logs to get better insights (#15303)


  • Fix dependency related warnings when using @tailwindcss/postcss on Windows (#15321)
  • Skip creating a compiler for CSS files that should not be processed (#15340)
  • Fix missing shadow-none suggestion in IntelliSense (#15342)
  • Optimize AST before printing for IntelliSense (#15347)
  • Generate vendor prefixes for Chrome 111+ (e.g. -webkit-background-clip: text) (#15389)


  • Rename --aspect-ratio-* theme key to --aspect-* (#15365)
  • Derive aspect-video utility from theme (#15365)

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