github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v7.00.19
GAM 7.00.19

one day ago

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Updated gam update shareddrive <SharedDriveEntity> ou <OrgUnitItem> to handle the following error
that occurs when an invalid <SharedDriveEntity> is specified.

ERROR: 400: invalidArgument - Invalid org membership name 0AJ3b2FTPakToUk9PVAxx.~

Updated gam print browsers to properly format the time field deviceIdentifiersHistory.records.0.firstRecordTime.


Updated gam create project to use a default project name of gam-project-a1b2c (a1b2c is a random string of 5 characters)
instead of gam-project-abc-123-xyz to avoid the following warning:

Project: gam-project-abc-123-xyz, Service Account:, Extracting public certificate UserWarning: Attribute's length must be >= 1 and <= 64, but it was 70 UserWarning: Attribute's length must be >= 1 and <= 64, but it was 70
Project: gam-project-abc-123-xyz, Service Account:, Done generating private key and public certificate


Update all user calendar commands to disable falling back to client access if service account
authorization has never been performed. Previously, in this circumstance, the admin's calendars
rather than the user's calendars were processed.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> claim|transfer ownership to show Got N Drive Files/Folders that matched query messages
as files/folders are being identified for processing.

Added option <JSONData> to gam create|update caalevel.

Updated to Python 3.13.0 where possible.


Added options timestamp [<Boolean>] and timeformat <String> to gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update drivefile that allow
adding a timestamp to a created/updated file name.


Retry the following unexpected errors in gam print users.

ERROR: 400: failedPrecondition - Precondition check failed.
ERROR: 500: unknownError - Unknown Error.


Align version number with GAM7.


Updated option showlastmodification to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecounts to handle
the case where all users owning files are suspended. In this case the lastModifyingUser column
will show the user's display name as the API doesn't return the user's email address.

Updated support for Folders with limited access; this is a work in progress.


Updated to Python 3.12.7 where possible.


Handled the following error that occurs when gam create user is immediateley followed by gam update user.

ERROR: 412: conditionNotMet - User creation is not complete.

Updated support for Folders with limited access; this is a work in progress.


Added initial support for Folders with limited access; you must be enrolled in the Beta preview.

Updated api_call_tries_limit variable to gam.cfg that limits the number of tries
for Google API calls that return an error that indicates a retry should be performed.
The default value is 10 and the range of allowable values is 3-30.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> delete groups that caused the command to fail when enable_dasa = true in gam.cfg.


Updated <PeopleContactAttribute> fields address,email,phone,url to allow an empty type field.

address "" formatted "My Address" primary
email "" primary
phone "" "510-555-1212" primary
url "" "" primary


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update chatspace to support the new permissions settings
for Chat spaces that are in Developer Preview.


Fixed bug that caused an error when creating a calendar birthday event.


Improved performance of gam report users orgunit <OrgUnitPath> when showorgunit is not specified.

Added option birthday <Date> to gam <UserTypeEntity> create event <UserCalendarEntity> that adds
an annual recurring event to the calendar.

Added birthday to <EventType> for use in various calendar event commands.


Updated gam delete ou and gam print admins to handle the following error:

ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.


Added option showlastmodification to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecounts that adds
the following fields to the output: lastModifiedFileId,lastModifiedFileName,lastModifyingUser,lastModifiedTime;
these are for the most recently modified file.

Added option keepforever [<Boolean>] to gam <UserTypeEntity> update filerevisions that allows setting
Keep forever in revisions.

Upgraded to Python 3.12.6 where possible.


Added option shownames to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show sheet that causes GAM
to make an additional API call to get and display the sheet file name that is not supplied by the Sheets API.


Merged GAM-Team version


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are updating your GAMADV-XTD3 version:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

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