github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.77.00
GAM 6.77.00

latest releases: v7.00.08, v7.00.07, v7.00.06...
3 months ago

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Latest updates


Added option individualstudentassignments copy|delete|maptoall to gam create|update course ... copyfrom
that controls how individual student assignments in the copyfrom course are processed.

  • individualstudentassignments copy - Copy individual student assignments; this is the default. You will get an error if the student is not a member of the course.
  • individualstudentassignments delete - Delete individual student assignments
  • individualstudentassignments maptoall - Map individual student assignments to all student assignments

Upgraded to Python 3.12.4 where possible.

Added option asadmin to the following Chat commands that allows admin access.
These commands are in Developer Preview, your project must have Developer Preview enabled for the Chat API
in order to use these commands.

gam <UserItem> delete chatspace asadmin
gam <UserItem> update chatspace asadmin
gam <UserItem> info chatspace asadmin
gam <UserItem> print|show chatspaces asadmin
gam <UserItem> create chatmember asadmin
gam <UserItem> delete|remove chatmember asadmin
gam <UserItem> update|modify chatmember asadmin
gam <UserItem> sync chatmembers asadmin
gam <UserItem> info chatmember asadmin
gam <UserItem> print|show chatmembers|asadmin

Added use_chat_admin_access Boolean variable to gam.cfg.

* When False, GAM uses user access when making all Chat API calls. For calls that support admin access,
    this can be overridden with the asadmin command line option.
* When True, GAM uses admin access for Chat API calls that support admin access; other calls will use user access.
* Default: False


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filesharecounts summary only summaryuser <String>
that printed an erroneous row if <UserTypeEntity> specified a single user and <String> matched
the user's email address.


Added the following Gemini License SKUs:

1010470004 - Gemini Education
1010470005 - Gemini Education Premium


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo ... showlabels and gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... showlabels
to retry these errors that occur when trying to get the drive labels for a file/folder.

ERROR: 500: unknownError - Unknown Error.
ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.

Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.3.1 where possible.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show chatspaces that caused the following error:

ERROR: Got an unexpected keyword argument orderBy


Thanks to Jay, added gam report vault.

Thanks to Jay, added the following Gemini License SKUs:

1010470006 - AI Security
1010470007 - AI Meetings and Messaging

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... showshareddrivepermissions to display
progress messages to stderr as a separate API call must be made for every file/folder on the Shared Drive
to get its permissions. As this can take a long time, the progress messages indicate that progress is being made.


Added fromgmail to <EventType> that can be used in gam calendars <CalendarEntity> print|show events ... eventtype fromgmail.


Updated gam update|delete|info adminrole to handle the following error:

ERROR: 400: failedPrecondition - Precondition check failed.


Updated <SchemaNameList> to "<SchemaName>|<SchemaFieldName>(,<SchemaName>|<SchemaFieldName>)*"
that allows schemas <SchemaNameList> in gam info user and gam print users to display all fields or selected fields
of the specified custom schemas.


Fixed bug where control-C was not recognized when GAM had processed all rows in a CSV file
and was Waiting for N running processes to finish before terminating.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print messages ... positivecountsonly where message counts with value 0 were deiplayed.

Added option addcsvdata <FieldName> <String> to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|messages that adds
additional columns of data to the CSV file output.

Added option showusagebytes to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show drivesettings that displays
the following fields in bytes usageBytes,usageInDriveBytes,usageInDriveTrashBytes
in addition to the fields in their formatted form with units: usage,usageInDrive,usageInDriveTrash.
This will be most useful with print as the rows can be sorted based on the usagexxxBytes columns.


Added options deletefromoldowner, addtonewowner <CalendarAttribute>* and nolistmessages
to gam <UserTypeEntity> transfer calendars <UserItem> that allow manipulation of the
old and new owners's calendar lists.


Added the following fields to <CrOSFieldName>:



Added option folderpathonly [<Boolean>] to the following commands that causes GAM
to display only the folder names when displaying the path to a file. This folder only path
an be used in gam <UserTypeEntity> create drivefolderpath to recreate the folder hierarchy.

gam <UserTypeEntity> info drivefile ... filepath|fullpath
gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo ... filepath|fullpath
gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filepath
gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... filepath|fullpath


Updated gam update group to handle the following error:

ERROR: 400: invalidArgument - Failed request validation in update settings: WHO_CAN_VIEW_MEMBERSHIP_CANNOT_BE_BROADER_THAN_WHO_CAN_SEE_GROUP


Fixed bug in gam create vaulthold matter <MatterItem> ... corpus calendar that caused a trap.


Updated versions of gam create|use project that use keyword options to also accept the following options
to define non-default Service Account key characteristics.

(algorithm KEY_ALG_RSA_1024|KEY_ALG_RSA_2048)|
(localkeysize 1024|2048|4096 [validityhours <Number>])|
(yubikey yubikey_pin yubikey_slot AUTHENTICATION yubikey_serialnumber <String>)


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are updating your GAMADV-XTD3 version:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

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