github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.76.04
GAM 6.76.04

latest releases: v6.76.11, v6.76.10, v6.76.09...
14 days ago

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Latest updates


Added the following fields to <CrOSFieldName>:



Added option folderpathonly [<Boolean>] to the following commands that causes GAM
to display only the folder names when displaying the path to a file. This folder only path
an be used in gam <UserTypeEntity> create drivefolderpath to recreate the folder hierarchy.

gam <UserTypeEntity> info drivefile ... filepath|fullpath
gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo ... filepath|fullpath
gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filepath
gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... filepath|fullpath


Updated gam update group to handle the following error:

ERROR: 400: invalidArgument - Failed request validation in update settings: WHO_CAN_VIEW_MEMBERSHIP_CANNOT_BE_BROADER_THAN_WHO_CAN_SEE_GROUP


Fixed bug in gam create vaulthold matter <MatterItem> ... corpus calendar that caused a trap.


Updated versions of gam create|use project that use keyword options to also accept the following options
to define non-default Service Account key characteristics.

(algorithm KEY_ALG_RSA_1024|KEY_ALG_RSA_2048)|
(localkeysize 1024|2048|4096 [validityhours <Number>])|
(yubikey yubikey_pin yubikey_slot AUTHENTICATION yubikey_serialnumber <String>)


Added option csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] to gam <UserTypeEntity> archive|delete|modify|spam|trash|untrash messages|threads that causes GAM to display the command results in CSV form.


Added a command to print user counts by OrgUnit. By default, all users in the workspace are counted;
you can specify a domain to only count users in that domain.

gam print usercountsbyorgunit [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        [domain <String>]

Added option uploadattachments [<DriveFileParentAttribute>] to gam <UserTypeEntity> show messages|threads that
causes GAM to upload all message attachments to the user's My Drive, the default, or to a specific folder.
The existing option attachmentnamepattern <RegularExpression> can be used to select attachments to upload.


Fixed bug in gam batch|tbatch where the line sleep <Integer> in the batch file caused the error:

ERROR: Invalid argument: Expected <gam|commit-batch|print>


Updated gam report <ActivityApplictionName> to retry/handle the following error:

ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.


Added option admin <EmailAddress> to gam upload sakey.


Updated gam create project to simplify handling the situation when your workspace is configured to disable service account private key uploads.

Added command gam upload sakey to aid in this process.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print shareddrives ... formatjson that caused a trap.


Updated gam create|update drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity> ... expiration <Time> to handle
the following error caused by tryig to add an expiration time to a member of a Shared Drive.

ERROR: 403: expirationDateNotAllowedForSharedDriveMembers - Expiration dates are not allowed for shared drive members.


Added truncate_client_id Boolean variable to gam.cfg. Prior to version 6.74.00, GAM stripped
'' from client_id in oauth2.txt and passed the truncated value in API calls.
At Jay's suggestion this is no longer performed by default; setting truncate_client_id = true restores the previous behavior.

Do gam oauth delete and gam oauth create to set the untruncated value of client_id in oauth2.txt.


The Google Chat API has been updated so that chat members can now have their role set to manager.


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are updating your GAMADV-XTD3 version:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

51c04833ba753804cc7be7fc3400641b40b37fe2f583499d310b70db275e0bc8  gamadv-xtd3-6.76.04-linux-arm64-glibc2.23.tar.xz
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c311387d545cfd9426f27ebe53dde381c83d5b1cd0262d30195fc1bb49005123  gamadv-xtd3-6.76.04-linux-arm64-glibc2.31.tar.xz
78976b9e5d5963b27cd6cd16bddf9ee9442bc2b3702d42e4a2a70a6f8751eb4a  gamadv-xtd3-6.76.04-linux-x86_64-glibc2.19.tar.xz
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9c21a8dafd61d27f7c2a7dadf103e79bd29cab9f7bb94d2cfbc4058ad53324c6  gamadv-xtd3-6.76.04-linux-x86_64-glibc2.31.tar.xz
0969652fc61d29b8f03587010e16fd991ae83dce1cedfcc034fae78a857c942c  gamadv-xtd3-6.76.04-linux-x86_64-glibc2.35.tar.xz
41a968fcd2c02a4fd0da544ce4a04ad97122a520dec976e9bb269537cfc19c6c  gamadv-xtd3-6.76.04-linux-x86_64-legacy.tar.xz
8078445d93282b69deb27994aeb5f42abedd59f85b4832c3be2684d18820009b  gamadv-xtd3-6.76.04-macos-arm64.tar.xz
5d4482895e3bfa9f361ea78d31bd5bba4a3e13dff0507a07aef00123727a27a7  gamadv-xtd3-6.76.04-macos-x86_64.tar.xz
2e1719e80e653f7c571ef22be0fd88714014743ffa6080e193c34b40b70d6a31  gamadv-xtd3-6.76.04-windows-x86_64.msi

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