github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.75.01
GAM 6.75.01

latest releases: v6.75.05, v6.75.04, v6.75.03...
10 days ago

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Latest updates


Added option admin <EmailAddress> to gam upload sakey.


Updated gam create project to simplify handling the situation when your workspace is configured to disable service account private key uploads.

Added command gam upload sakey to aid in this process.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print shareddrives ... formatjson that caused a trap.


Updated gam create|update drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity> ... expiration <Time> to handle
the following error caused by tryig to add an expiration time to a member of a Shared Drive.

ERROR: 403: expirationDateNotAllowedForSharedDriveMembers - Expiration dates are not allowed for shared drive members.


Added truncate_client_id Boolean variable to gam.cfg. Prior to version 6.74.00, GAM stripped
'' from client_id in oauth2.txt and passed the truncated value in API calls.
At Jay's suggestion this is no longer performed by default; setting truncate_client_id = true restores the previous behavior.

Do gam oauth delete and gam oauth create to set the untruncated value of client_id in oauth2.txt.


The Google Chat API has been updated so that chat members can now have their role set to manager.


Updated emailaddressList <EmailAddressList> and domainlist|notdomainlist <DomainNameList>
in <PermissionMatch> to perform case-insensitive matches as the API is returning mixed case
ACL email addresses in some cases.


Updated all commands that display tasks to display the due date in GMT as the time portion
is not supported by the API and converting the due date to local time may display the wrong date.

Renamed license SKU 1010400001 from Beyond Corp Enterprise to Chrome Enterprise Premium.


Upgraded to Python 3.12.3 where possible.


Added the following option to <EventMatchProperty> that can be used to select
events based on the domains of the attendees.

matchfield attendeesonlydomainlist <DomainNameList>

This returns true if all attendee's email addresses are in a domain in <DomainNameList>;
for example this lets you look for events with attendees only in your internal domains.


Added the following options to <EventMatchProperty> that can be used to select
events based on the domains of the attendees.

matchfield attendeesdomainlist <DomainNameList>
matchfield attendeesnotdomainlist <DomainNameList>

The first returns true if any attendee's email address is in a domain in <DomainNameList>;
for example this lets you look for events with attendees in specific external domains.

The second returns true if any attendee's email address is in a domain other than those in <DomainNameList>;
for example this lets you look for events with attendees not in your internal domains.


Added option oneitemperrow to 'gam print vaultholds` to have each of a
hold's accounts displayed on a separate row with all of the other hold fields.


Added timeofdayrange=<HH:MM>/<HH:MM> and timeofdayrange!=<HH:MM>/<HH:MM> to <RowValueFilter> that allows
CSV row filtering based on time-of-day.


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are updating your GAMADV-XTD3 version:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

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