github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.70.03
GAM 6.70.03

latest releases: v6.77.05, v6.77.04, v6.77.03...
4 months ago

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Latest updates


Renamed license product DuetAI to Gemini

  • ProductID - 101047

Renamed license SKU DuetAI for Google Workspace to Gemini Enterprise

  • ProductID - 101047
  • SKUID - 1010470001 | geminient | duetai

Added support for license SKU Gemini Business

  • ProductID - 101047
  • SKUID - 1010470003 | geminibiz


In 6.69.00, GAM starting using course owner access when using copyfrom in gam create|update course
regardless of the value of gam.cfg/use_course_owner_access. This prevents copying from courses
with a deleted user. GAM now uses the value of gam.cfg/use_course_owner_access when copyfrom is used.


Added gmail_cse_incert_dir and gmail_cse_inkey_dir path variables to gam.cfg that provide
default values for the incertdir <FilePath> and inkeydir <FilePath> options in gam <UserTypeEntity> create csekeypair.


Added support for Gmail Client Side Encryption.

This is an initial, minimally tested release; proceed with care and report all issues.


Added use_classroom_owner_access Boolean variable to gam.cfg that controls how GAM gets
classroom member information and removes students/teachers. Client access does not provide
complete information about non-domain students/teachers.

  • False - Use client access; this is the default. Use if you don't have non-domain members in your courses.
  • True - Use service account access as the classroom owner. An extra API call is required per course to authenticate the owner; this will affect performance

Added the following command which must be used to delete classroom invitations for non-domain students/teachers.

gam delete classroominvitation courses <CourseEntity> (ids <ClassroomInvitationIDEntity>)|(role all|owner|student|teacher)

You can obtain the classroom invitation IDs with these commands:

gam show classroominvitations (course|class <CourseEntity>)*|([teacher <UserItem>] [student <UserItem>] [states <CourseStateList>])
        [role all|owner|student|teacher] [formatjson]
gam print classroominvitations [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] (course|class <CourseEntity>)*|([teacher <UserItem>] [student <UserItem>] [states <CourseStateList>])
        [role all|owner|student|teacher] [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist|drivefileacls|shareddriveacls ... oneitemperrow to print
ACLs with multiple permission details on separate rows for each basic permission/permission detail combination.
This case occurs when a member of a Shared Drive has access to a file and also has explicitly granted access to the same file.

Added permtype member|file to <PermissionMatch> that allows determining whether an ACL on a Shared Drive file was
derived from membership or explicitly granted.


Updated gam info user ... locations formatjson to include the buildingName field in the
locations entries. If gam.cfg contains quick_info_user = true or the quick option
is included on the command line, add the option buildingnames to the command line.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile <DriveFileID> ... mergewithparent that incorrectly named
the copied file with the name of the parent folder.

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile to avoid copying/moving the same file twice.


Updated gam print groups ... ciallfields|(cifields <CIGroupFieldNameList>) to account for an
API shortcoming that failed to get all of the Cloud Identity fields.


Added option skiprows <Integer> to gam csv|loop that causes GAM to skip processing the first <Integer> filtered rows.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> create drivefileacl that caused a trap.


Upgraded to Python 3.12.2 where possible.

Added options restricted|(audience <String>) to gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update chatspace that
sets the access options for the chat space. These options are in Developer Preview and will not be generally available.


Fixed <PermissionMatch> bug for real.


Fixed <PermissionMatch> bug introduced in 6.67.35 that caused a command error like the following or would
not properly match type|nottype <DriveFileACLType> and role|notrole <DriveFileACLRole>.

ERROR: permission attribute allowfilediscovery/withlink not allowed with type {'a', 'y', 'e', 'o', 'n'}

My sincere apologies.


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are updating your GAMADV-XTD3 version:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

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