github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.67.36
GAM 6.67.36

latest releases: v7.0036, v7.00.36, v7.00.35...
9 months ago

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Latest updates


Updated gam batch <BatchContent> and gam tbatch <BatchContent> commands to accept lines with the following form:

sleep <Integer>

Batch processing will suspend for <Integer> seconds before the next command line is processed.


Added the following options to <PermissionMatch> that allow more powerful matching.

nottype <DriveFileACLType>
typelist <DriveFileACLTypeList>
nottypelist <DriveFileACLTypeList>
rolelist <DriveFileACLRoleList>
notrolelist <DriveFileACLRoleList>


Added option movetoorgunitdelay <Integer> to gam <UserTypeEntity> create shareddrive <Name> ... ou|org|orgunit <OrgUnitItem>.
GAM creates the Shared Drive, verifies that it has been created and then tries to move it to <OrgUnitItem>. Google seems to
require a delay or the following error is generated.

ERROR: 409: 409 - The operation was aborted.

movetoorgunitdelay defaults to 20 seconds which seems to work; <Integer> can range from 0 to 60.


Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.2.1 where possible.

Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print shareddrives where role was improperly displayed as fileOrganizer
rather than writer.

Added option guiroles [<Boolean>] to gam <UserTypeEntity> info|print|show shareddrive that maps
the Drive API role names to the Google Drive GUI role names.

commenter: Commenter
fileOrganizer: Content manager
organizer: Manager
reader: Viewer
writer: Contributor


Updated <ToDriveAttribute> to allow multiple tdshare <EmailAddress> commenter|reader|writer options.

Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print shareddrives where role was improperly displayed as unknown
rather than reader when Allow viewers and commenters to download, print, and copy files was unchecked for the Shared Drive.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> claim|transfer ownership <DriveFileEntity> to properly
handle the case where <DriveFileEntity> referencess a Drive shortcut.


Fixed bug where the fullpath option in various commands was not converting the generic shared drive name Drive to the drive's actual name.


Added optional argument owneraccess to gam courses <CourseEntity> remove teachers|students [owneracccess] <UserTypeEntity and
gam course <CourseID> remove teacher|student [owneraccess] <EmailAddress> in order to test a possible API change.

Updated code to avoid a trap when gam config auto_batch_min 1 csv file.csv gam ... was entered.
The config auto_batch_min 1 is not appropriate in this context and will be ignored.


Improved handling of Bad Request error in gam <UserTypeEntity> collect orphans.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> collect orphans to handle the following error:

ERROR: 400: badRequest - Bad Request


Fixed bug in gam print vaultexports ... formatjson that caused a trap.


Added option owneraccess to gam info courses <CourseEntity> and gam info course <CourseID> in order
to test a possible API change.


Fixed bug that caused HTML password notification email messages to be displayed in raw form.


Use local copy of googleapiclient to remove static discovery documents to improve performance.


Added permissionidlist <PermissionIDList> to <PermissionMatch> that allows matching any permission ID in a list.

Added option exportlinkeddrivefiles <Boolean> to gam create vaultexport that is used with corpus mail.


Updated gam remove aliases <EmailAddress> user|group <EmailAddressEntity> to give a more informative
error message when the target/alias combination does not exist.

Old: User:, User Alias:, Remove Failed: Invalid Input: resource_id
New: User:, User Alias:, Remove Failed: Does not exist


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are updating your GAMADV-XTD3 version:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

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