github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.67.03
GAM 6.67.03

latest releases: v6.77.05, v6.77.04, v6.77.03...
6 months ago

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Latest updates


Fixed bug introduced in 6.67.02 in gam <UserTypeEntity> claim ownership that caused a trap.


Added option skipids <DriveFileEntity> to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile that handles special cases
where you want to prevent selected files/folders from being copied.

Updated commands that create files/folders on Shared Drives to handle the following errors:



Fixed bug in gam print vaultcounts that caused a trap.


Updated gam <CrOSTypeEntity> update action <CrOSAction> to use the new API function batchChangeStatus
that replaces the old API function action; ChromeOS devices are now processed in batches.
The batch size defaults to 10, the actionbatchsize <Integer> option can be used to set a batch size between 10 and 250.

Updated gam create vaultexport matter <MatterItem> to support corpus calendar.


Added option convertcrnl to gam update chromepolicy to properly handle carriage returns (\r) and line feeds (\n)
in value strings entered on the command line in the <Field> <Value> form.

gam update chromepolicy convertcrnl chrome.devices.DisabledDeviceReturnInstructions
    deviceDisabledMessage "Please return device to:\nSchool\n123 Main Street\nAnytown US" ou /Path/to/OU


Added option copysubfilesownedby any|me|others to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile that allows
specification of which source folder sub files to copy based on file ownership; the default is any.
This only applies when files are being copied from a 'My Drive'.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> modify messages to recognize the following error:

ERROR: 400: invalid - Invalid label: SENT

Updated gam update alias <EmailAddressEntity> user|group|target <EmailAddress>
to avoid the following problem.

$ gam update alias user testuser
User Alias:, Deleted
User Alias:, User:, Update Failed: Duplicate, Email Address:

GAM updates an alias to point to a new target by deleting the alias and then recreating the alias pointing to the new target.
Unfortunately, if these commands are executed back-to-back; Google generates the Update Failed: Duplicate error.
Now, GAM waits 2 seconds between the delete and the insert which seems to eliminate the problem. If the problem persists,
the option waitafterdelete <Integer> can be used to increase the wait time to a maximum of 10 seconds.


Updated functionality of option preservefiletimes in gam <UserTypeEntity> update drivefile <DriveFileEntity>.

  • Current
    • preservefiletimes localfile <FileName> - modifiedTime of <DriveFileEntity> is set to that of localfile <FileName>
    • preservefiletimes - No effect
  • Updated
    • preservefiletimes localfile <FileName> - modifiedTime of <DriveFileEntity> is set to that of localfile <FileName>
    • preservefiletimes - modifiedTime of <DriveFileEntity> retains its current value


Upgraded to Python 3.12.1 where possible.

Updated all drive commands to handle the following error:

ERROR: 401: Active session is invalid. Error code: 4 - authError

This is due to the Drive SDK API being disabled in the user's OU.


Fixed/improved handling of shortcuts in gam <UserTypeEntity> transfer drive.


Updated gam create datatransfer to handle the following error:

ERROR: 401: Active session is invalid. Error code: 4 - authError


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... allfields that caused a trap
when gam.cfg contained drive_v3_native_names = False.


Added additional columns isBase and baseId to gam <UserTypeEntity> print fileparenttree
to simplify processing the output in a script.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print diskusage that caused a trap.


Added a command the print the parent tree of file/folder.

gam <UserTypeEntity> print fileparenttree <DriveFileEntity> [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]


Added column to gam <UserTypeEntity> print chatmembers.


Updated Chat info|show|print commands to display all time fields in local time if specified in gam.cfg.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist select <DriveFileEntity> where stripcrsfromname was not being
applied to files below the selected folder.


Updated device commmands to handle the following error caused by an invalid query.

ERROR: 400: invalidArgument - Request contains an invalid argument.

Added fields deviceid and hostname to <DeviceFieldName>.


Added the following variables to gam.cfg that allow control over whether \ is used as an escape character
when reading/writing CSV files.

csv_input_no_escape_char - default value True
csv_output_no_escape_char - default value False
todrive_no_escape_char - default value True

When the value is True, \ is ignored as an escape character; when the value is False,
\\ on input is converted to \, \ on output is converted to \\.


Added support for Focus Time and Out of Office status events in user's primary calendars.

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show messages to allow option show_size to be used with option countsonly
to display the cumulative size of the messages selected.

gam user print messages query "newer_than:31d" countsonly showsize
Getting all Messages for
Got 16 Messagess for


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are updating your GAMADV-XTD3 version:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

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e85575e6ca70d38fe95bc184f51b974d2565c5582c0df80e225d37cd78b45cfa  gamadv-xtd3-6.67.03-linux-x86_64-legacy.tar.xz
245214687eb6071e299fd2a7658e78f5628bb1654d795cb85a233eae3c55079c  gamadv-xtd3-6.67.03-macos-arm64.tar.xz
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