github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.65.10
GAM 6.65.10

latest releases: v6.77.04, v6.77.03, v6.77.02...
7 months ago

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Latest updates


Fixed bug in gam print crostelemetry that caused a trap: KeyError: 'reportTime'.


Added option noduplicate to gam <UserTypeEntity> create drivefile that causes GAM
to issue a warning and not perform the create if a non-trashed item with the same name (regardless of MIME type)
exists in the parent folder.

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> get drivefile <DriveFileEntity> to handle the following error
that seems to occur when multiple tabs from a Google sheet are being downloaded in parallel.

Download Failed: HTTP Error: 429


Added option addcsvdata <FieldName> <String> to gam report <ActivityApplicationName> that adds
additional columns of data to the CSV file output.

Added option shownoactivities to gam report <ActivityApplicationName> that causes GAM to display
a row with a key value of NoActivities when there are no activities to report.

For example, to find Shared Drives with no activity, see:


Updated gam delete building to handle the following error:

ERROR: 412: conditionNotMet - Cannot delete building because there are Calendar resources associated with it.


Improved error message when trying to add external students/teachers to a course.

gam courses 544906261666 add student
Course: 544906261666, Add 1 Student
  Course: 544906261666, Student:, Add Failed: 403: permissionDenied - @CannotDirectAddUser Unable to directly add the user to the course. Please check\
 that the user account exists and is within the course admin's domain. Add external user with: gam user create classroominvitation courses 54490626166\
6 role Student


Updated gam info users <UserTypeEntity> to make option grouptree effective when used
with option formatjson.

Added option [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]]
to these commands so that event details are displayed in CSV format.

gam print|show grouptree <GroupEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show grouptree

Added option querytime<String> <Date> to all commands that process messages.
For example, you can identify all messages within a particular time period, in this case, all messages unread
in the last 30 days.

gam user  print messages querytime30d -30d query "after:#querytime30d# is:unread"

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> import|insert message to allow replace <Tag> <UserReplacement> as documented.

Updated non-owner permission handling in gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile.


Fixed bug where license SKU 1010020031 (Google Workspace Frontline Standard) was improperly entered making it unusable;
its alias wsflwstan was usable.

Added support for Google Workspace Additional Storage.

  • ProductID - 101043
  • SKUID - 1010430001 | gwas | plusstorage


Fixed bug in commands that display calendar events where event start and end times were not properly displayed
when gam.cfg had timezone utc. The API returns the start and end times expressed in the calendar timezone
but GAM replaced the timezone specifier with a Z; the date and time values were as expected. This became
a problem when event data was exported and used to create or update events.


Updated gam print|show browsers to handle the following error:

ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.


Added option showmimetypesize to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecounts and
gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist countsonly that displays the total file size for each MIME type.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> create contact <JSONData> that caused a trap when
contacts were being copied from one user to another.

Updated the following commands to allow specification of a task list by its title.

<TaskListTitle> ::= tltitle:<String>
<TasklistTitleList> ::= "'<TasklistTitle>'(,'<TasklistTitle>')*"
<TasklistEntity> ::=
        <TasklistIDList> | <TaskListTitleList> | <FileSelector> | <CSVFileSelector>

gam <UserTypeEntity> create task <TasklistEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> show tasks [tasklists <TasklistEntity>]
gam <UserTypeEntity> print tasks [tasklists <TasklistEntity>]
gam <UserTypeEntity> update tasklist <TasklistEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> delete tasklist <TasklistEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> clear tasklist <TasklistEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> info tasklist <TasklistEntity>


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> create task <TasklistIDEntity> that caused a trap
when an invalid TaskListID was specified.


Updated lookerstudioassets|lookerstudiopermissions commands to handle the following error:

ERROR: 500: internalError - Internal error encountered.


Cleaned up and renamed gam info appdetails to gam info chromeapp.


Added command to get customer app details.

gam info appdetails android|chrome|web <AppID> [formatjson]


Upgraded to Python 3.12.0 where possible.
Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.1.3 where possible.


Added support for Google Workspace Labs license.

  • ProductID - 101047
  • SKUID - 1010470002 | gwlabs | workspacelabs


Fixed bug introduced in 6.64.09 that caused a trap when gam redirect csv <FileName> multiprocess was used.


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are updating your GAMADV-XTD3 version:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

19751401ef1a9b7a0425de74fb4bf8bd499adcffe65f1ed791626c5bb174ffa7  gamadv-xtd3-6.65.10-linux-arm64-glibc2.23.tar.xz
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e83b5c1de46ff42de450cefb0eb306d833ca04b52fb63336f2357568e1280623  gamadv-xtd3-6.65.10-linux-x86_64-glibc2.31.tar.xz
2301daefcfb0a4884ee66afcff8b84801b486c2b6cca9de8b264248b8d368c82  gamadv-xtd3-6.65.10-linux-x86_64-glibc2.35.tar.xz
c0372c5cea931ef153079cb4992c9e9dc604307c43958ee95b8cfcba9f566be4  gamadv-xtd3-6.65.10-linux-x86_64-legacy.tar.xz
8f8f238c9f0b661d02e3f1e56d3fa962fe0b5eddaae1b8322a5dffcf2a6a852a  gamadv-xtd3-6.65.10-macos-arm64.tar.xz
3c0b95f3f4498200b3958d539589adda3cd1c590f0715f2203a26734d29873f1  gamadv-xtd3-6.65.10-macos-x86_64-legacy.tar
df22cd7cee5ed44662576e58ba26d74a2c717344bb0d3a7c84c81923939725d4  gamadv-xtd3-6.65.10-macos-x86_64.tar.xz
55a95962acac7462e74f1a91603fbcc72ae2e5646fc2aedea170d684e77ae8b6  gamadv-xtd3-6.65.10-windows-x86_64.msi

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