github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.61.00
GAM 6.61.00

latest releases: v6.77.05, v6.77.04, v6.77.03...
11 months ago

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Latest updates


Following Jay's lead, added no_short_urls variable to gam.cfg. When false, the long scopes URLs in gam oauth create and
gam <UserTypeEntity> check|update serviceaccount will be shortened at the site; the shortened
URL redirects to the long URL. For existing configurations, no_short_urls defaults to true; the long URLs are used as is.
For new configurations the no_short_urls defaults to false unless there is a file named noshorturls.txt in the folder
specified by the environment variable OLDGAMPATH.


Added option addcsvdata <FieldName> <String> to gam print forms|formresponses. This adds additional columns of data to the CSV file output.
This can be used to combine form information from several GAM commands.

Following Jay's lead, projects can now be created with consumer accounts.


Added option countsonly to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show formresponses that causes GAM to display
the number of responses to a form rather than displaying the response details.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> delete|print emptydrivefolders to show the path to the deleted folder
rather than just its name. Added an option to allow a starting point other that the root of My Drive or a Shared Drive.
Improved the commands performance.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist countsonly showsource stripcrsfromname where
carriage returns, linefeeds and nulls were not stripped from file names.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist countsonly to process addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>.
Additional fields are added before Size if present, otherwise Total.


Added option orgunit|org|ou <OrgUnitPath> to gam print|show teamdrives that limits the display
to Shared Drives in the specified Org Unit.


Added option orgunit|org|ou <OrgUnitPath> to gam print|show teamdriveacls that limits the display
of permissions to Shared Drives in the specified Org Unit.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> info|show|print chatmessages to show the sender email address
when the sender is a human.


Fixed bug in config csv_input_row_filter|csv_output_row_filter where "field:date<today" was being processed
as "field:date<=today" and "field:date>=today" was being processeed as "field:date>today".


Added option pathdelimiter <Character> to gam <UserTypeEntity> create drivefolderpath to simplify
specifying folder paths where a folder name contains a /. In the example, some folder has a '/' in it's name
so specifying pathdelimiter "|" allows fullpath to be properly processed. pathdelimiter defaults to '/'.

gam user create drivefolderpath pathdelimiter "|" fullpath "My Drive|Top Folder|Middle/Folder|Bottom Folder"


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|create|update drivefile where processing the following <DriveFileAttribute> attributes
was not correct. Previously, if multiple properties of the same visibility were specified, only the first was processed;
now, all values are processed.

privateproperty <PropertyKey> <PropertyValue>
publicproperty <PropertyKey> <PropertyValue>
property <PropertyKey> <PropertyValue> [private|public]


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> get document|drivefile <DriveFileEntity> to handle shortcuts by downloading
the file that the shortcut references as the shortcut itself is not downloadable. If you do not want
this behavior and want GAM to report an error, use the option donotfollowshortcuts.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> archive messages to handle the following error:

ERROR: 400: failedPrecondition - Precondition check failed.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show tokens to handle the following error that occurs
when a group email address is specified rather than a user email address.

ERROR: 400: badRequest - Type not supported: userKey


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> move drivefile that caused an error when moving the contents
of a source Shared Drive to a target Shared Drive when mergewithparents was not specified or was
explicitly set False.


Updated commands that create files to handle the following error:

403: storageQuotaExceeded - The user's Drive storage quota has been exceeded.


Updated gam print chromesnvalidity to do case insenstitive serial number comparisons.


Added command to help verify Chrome device serial number validity.

gam print chromesnvalidity [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        cros_sn <SerialNumberEntity> [listlimit <Number>]
        [delimiter <Character>]



Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show chatspaces to handle the following error:

Error: 403: permissionDenied - Permission denied to perform the requested action on the specified resource


Added option tdretaintitle [<Boolean>] that, when True and used with tdfileid <DriveFileID>,
causes GAM to not modify the CSV filename.


Fixed bug in gam print addresses where non-editable user/group aliases were not displayed.


Added a command to get information about a direct message chat space between two users.

gam <UserTypeEntity> info chatspacedm <UserItem>


Added option csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]]
to these commands so that event details are displayed in CSV format.

gam calendar|calendars <CalendarEntity> create|import|update event
gam <UserTypeEntity> create|import|update event <UserCalendarEntity>

Added option additionalmembers [<GroupRole>] <EmailAddressEntity> to gam update group|groups <GroupEntity> sync
that can be used to specify members in addition to those specified with <UserTypeEntity>.

gam update group sync member additionalmembers ou /Teachers

Added commands to display Analytic account/property/datastream information.


Upgraded to Python 3.11.4 where possible.


Simplified specifying a Chat space name; previously, the space keyword was required;
now, it can be omittted and you can just enter spaces/<String>.

<ChatSpace> ::= spaces/<String> | space <String> | space spaces/<String>


Fixed bug in gam print aliases that caused a trap.


Updated Chrome Policy commands to handle the following error:

ERROR: 403: permissionDenied - The caller does not have permission.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile <DriveFileEntity> to disallow copying/moving
a folder into itself.


Updated commands to delete chatmembers; delete chatmembers now deletes members by
specifying a chat space and user email addresses; remove chatmembers deletes members by
specifying chatmember names.

gam <UserTypeEntity> delete chatmember space <ChatSpace>
        ((user <UserItem>)|(members <UserTypeEntity>))+
gam <UserTypeEntity> remove chatmember members <ChatMemberList>


Added option <ChatContent> to gam <UserTypeEntity> create chatspace to allow sending an initial message
to the newly created chatspace.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> create chatspace to support chatspace types GROUP_CHAT and DIRECT_MESSAGE
and to allow specification of members.


Added initial support for user chat spaces. This is a work in progress, test and report any problems.

Improved performance of gam <UserTypeEntity> delete|move|update othercontacts.

Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.1.1 where possible.


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are updating your GAMADV-XTD3 version:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

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