github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.59.03
GAM 6.59.03

latest releases: v6.77.08, v6.77.07, v6.77.06...
14 months ago

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Latest updates


Cleaned up Getting/Got messages for several commands.

Improved performance of gam print admins.


Updated the Analytic account/property commands to use service account access so that data
can be retrieved for any user.

Fixed bug where the Analytics Admin API was not being added in gam update project
forcing you to manually enable it.


Updated gam checkconnection to check connections to the following sites:

Contacts API - Domain Shared Contacts -
Email Audit API -
Sites API -


Added commands to display Analytic account/property information.


Fixed bug in gam [<UserTypeEntity>] print shareddriveacls oneitemperrow shownopermissionsdrives true
where the Shared Drives with no ACLs were not shown; they were shown if oneitemperrow was omitted.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... filepath|fullpath to not display parent information
for orphans. Previously, GAM would incorrectly display:


Now the corrected display is:


This change makes the output the same as when filepath|fullpath is omitted.


Added the following options to tag replace processing to allow control of the case of replacement data.

You can control the case of the letters in replace <Tag> <String> and replace <Tag> <UserReplacement>.

  • {PC}...{Tag1}...{Tag2}...{/PC} - For all sequences of letters between {PC} and {/PC}, the first letter is converted to uppercase, subsequent letters to lowercase.
  • {UC}...{Tag1}...{Tag2}...{/UC} - All letters between {UC} and {/UC} will be converted to uppercase
  • {LC}...{Tag1}...{Tag2}...{/LC} - All letters between {LC} and {/LC} will be converted to lowercase


Added license_max_results variable to gam.cfg. When retrieving licenses from License API,
this variable controls how many should be retrieved in each chunk. The default value is 100; the range is 100-1000.
As of 2023-04-27, larger numbers cause Google to return an incorrect numbert of licenses.


Fixed bug where the csv_output_header_force variable in gam.cfg was being interpreted as
a list of <RegularExpressions> rather than a list of <Strings> as documented.


When doing commands similar to these:

gam redirect csv - multiprocess todrive csv Users.csv gam user "~primaryEmail" print filelist ...
gam config auto_batch_min 1 redirect csv - multiprocess todrive <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ...

GAM was including the name of the last user processed in the title of the uploaded Google Sheet;
as this is not accurate, it has been eliminated.


Added emailaddresslist <EmailAddressList> to <PermissionMatch> that allows matching any email address in a list.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show contacts|othercontacts to retry the following error:

serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.


Updated code to recognize the following Google Drive API error that is issued when Google
doesn't recognize an email address as valid.

$ gam user print filelist query "'' in writers" fields id,name
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and ('' in writers)) for

ERROR: 400: badRequest - Bad Request
$ gam user print filelist query "'' in writers" fields id,name
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and ('' in writers)) for
Got 0 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners and ('' in writers)) for


Added inherited <Boolean> to <PermissionMatch> that applies only to Shared Drive files/folders;
this makes it easy to identify files/folders on Shared Drive with non-inherited permissions.

gam user print filelist select teamdriveid <TeamDriveID> fields id,name,mimetype pm inherited false em pmfilter oneitemperrow

This clause will always cause a permission match failure on My Drive files/folders.


Updated gam batch <BatchContent> and gam tbatch <BatchContent> commands to accept lines with the following form:

clear keyword

This can improve performance as subsequent lines in <BatchContent> will not be scanned for %keyword%.


Updated gam batch <BatchContent> and gam tbatch <BatchContent> commands to accept lines with the following form:

set keyword value

Subsequent lines in <BatchContent> will have %keyword% replaced with value.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> info|print|show contacts|othercontacts and
gam info|print|show peoplecontacts|peopleprofiles to default to displaying the fields names,emailaddresses,phonenumbers
as documented rather than all fields.


Following Jay's lead, removed Google bug (237397223) workaround code in
gam print devices|deviceusers|crostelemetry as the bug is now fixed.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> vacation to handle the following error:

ERROR: 400: failedPrecondition - Precondition check failed.

What the error means is unknown to me at the moment.

Updated GAM so that when the current project ID is required, it will first try to get it from oauth2service.json and
if not successful, try to get it from client_secrets.json. There are cases, e.g., when DASA is enabled,
that client_secrets.json is not present.

Previously, GAM checked for the existence of client_secrets.json on every command; this check has been
eliminated as the file is only required by gam oauth create.


Following Jay's lead, updated gam create admin to allow assignment of a delegated admin role to a group.
Updated gam print admins to display whether a role is assigned to a user or a group.

Updated version number to align with Standard GAM.


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are updating your GAMADV-XTD3 version:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

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