github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.54.06
GAM 6.54.06

latest releases: v6.76.04, v6.76.03, v6.76.02...
13 months ago

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Added options users <EmailAddressList> and groups <EmailAddressList> to gam print aliases that is more
efficient for getting aliases for specific users and groups.

Added option select <UserTypeEntity> to gam print aliases that allows specification of a list users by <UserTypeEntity>;
e.g., a group or an org unit.

Added option delimiter <Character> to gam print aliases that is applicable when option onerowpertarget is specified.
Previously, multiple aliases were separated by a space character. Now, by default, the aliases are separated by the csv_output_field_delimiter' from gam.cfg. The option delimiter ` overrides that value.


Added option addcsvdata <FieldName> <String> to gam print aliases. This adds additional columns of data to the CSV file output.
This can be used when printing aliases for departed employees to indicate the new target for the user's alises. Subsequent
commands using the CSV file can reassign the aliases to the new target.


Updated gam print|show channelcustomerentitlements to handle the following error when
none of gam.cfg/channel_customer_id or command line arguments channelcustomerid or name are set.

ERROR: Parameter "parent" value "accounts/C03kt1789/customers/" does not match the pattern "^accounts/[^/]+/customers/[^/]+$"


By special request, British spelling of various keywords/arguments is now available.

backgroundcolor backgroundcolour
color colour
colorindex colourindex
costcenter costcentre
fileorganizer fileorganiser
foregroundcolor foregroundcolour
license licence
licenses licences
nolicenses nolicences
organization organisation
organizationname organisationname
organizations organisations
organizer organiser
organizeremail organiseremail
organizername organisername
textcolor textcolour


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> get photo and gam <UserTypeEntity> get profilephoto to inspect the
photo data and add the appropriate extension: jpg, png, gif. If the type of the photo can't be
determined, img is used as the extenstion. If you use [filename <FileNamePattern>], #ext# will be replaced
with the extension.

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> [create|add] sendas <EmailAddress> [name] <String> to allow the
optional argument name before <String> to make clear that <String> is the sendas display name.


Added commands to export messages/threads in EML/raw format.


Following Jay's lead, updated gam delete inboundssoassignment <SSOAssignmentSelector> to allow
more flexibility in selecting assignments to delete.

Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filesharecounts that would cause a trap.

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... fullpath showparent and gam <UserTypeEntity> print filepath
to properly display the file path of My Drive.

Upgraded to Python 3.11.3 where possible.

Added commands to create and delete Chrome networks.

gam create chromenetwork
        <OrgUnitItem> <String> <JSONData>
gam delete chromenetwork
         <OrgUnitItem> <NetworkID>


gam gam print|show svcaccts now requires password authentication.


Added commands to display the share type counts of a user's files.


Following Jay's lead, added instructions to gam create project to have GAM be a trusted app.


Updated build steps to avoid trap with gam create project on M1 Macs.

Added option noshowtextplain to gam <UserTypeEntity> show messages|threads that suppresses
the default display of text/plain attachment content when showattachments is specified.


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are updating your GAMADV-XTD3 version:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

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