github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.52.06
GAM 6.52.06

latest releases: v6.77.03, v6.77.02, v6.77.01...
15 months ago

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Latest updates


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update drivefile to handle the following error that occurs when an attempt is
made to create/move a third-party shortcut on/to a Shared Drive.

ERROR: 403: teamDrivesShortcutFileNotSupported - The application associated with this third-party shortcut file does not support shared drives.


Added option formatjson to all commands that display Vault Matters, Exports, Holds and Saved Queries.

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> move drivefile to handle the following error that occurs when an attempt is
made to move a third-party shortcut to a Shared Drive.

ERROR: 403: teamDrivesShortcutFileNotSupported - The application associated with this third-party shortcut file does not support shared drives.


Fixed bug in gam info vaultquery and gam print|show vaultqueries that caused a trap
when the query field was omitted from the fields <VaultQueryFieldNameList>.


Added commands to display Vault Matter saved queries.

gam info vaultquery <QueryItem> matter <MatterItem>
        [fields <VaultQueryFieldNameList>] [shownames]
gam info vaultquery <MatterItem> <QueryItem>
        [fields <VaultQueryFieldNameList>] [shownames]
gam print vaultqueries [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] [matters <MatterItemList>]
        [fields <VaultQueryFieldNameList>] [shownames]
gam show vaultqueries [matters <MatterItemList>]
        [fields <VaultQueryFieldNameList>] [shownames]

Updated gam info resoldcustomer <CustomerID> to display the customer primary email.

Following Jay's lead, the following scopes will be off by default as changes to Google Cloud session control
may require frequent use of gam aouth create.

[ ] 21)  Cloud Storage API (Read, Vault/Takeout Download)
[ ] 22)  Cloud Storage API (Write, Vault/Takeout Copy)


Following Jay's lead, added the following License SKUs:

1010380001 - AppSheet Core
1010380002 - AppSheet Enterprise Standard
1010380003 - AppSheet Enterprise Plus


Fixed bug where API calls retry data was displaying incorrect values when processing CSV files.


Updated process handling for gam batch|csv.


Updated gam create|update user <EmailAddress> ... <JSONData> to exclude additional fields
from the JSON data that can't be copied; the following error was displayed:

User:, Create Failed: Invalid Input: Bad request for


Fixed bug introduced in 6.51.06 that caused a trap in gam create project.


Following Jay's lead, added option validityhours <Number> to gam create|replace|update sakeys and gam rotate sakey
that let's you set the length of time a Service Account key is valid.


With input from Jay, further upgraded gam <UserTypeEntity> check serviceaccount to avoid a trap when a proxy is being used.


Upgraded gam <UserTypeEntity> check serviceaccount to avoid a trap when a proxy is being used.


  • Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.1.0 where possible.

Added support for externalid, im, posix, relation, sshkeys and website subfields in gam <UserTypeEntity> signature and
gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update sendas option replace <Tag> <UserReplacement>.


Added option nogcspath to gam download storagefile <StorageBucketObjectName> that causes GAM
to store the downloaded file directly into the target folder without any Google Cloud Storage path information.


Added the ability to read data from Google Cloud Storage bucket objects.

<StorageBucketName> ::= <String>
<StorageObjectName> ::= <String>
<StorageBucketObjectName> ::=<StorageBucketName>/<StorageObjectName>|<StorageBucketName>/<StorageObjectName>|

Anywhere you can enter gdoc|ghtml <UserGoogleDoc>) you can enter gcsdoc|gcshtml <StorageBucketObjectName>.

Anywhere you can enter gsheet <UserGoogleSheet>) you can enter gcscsv <StorageBucketObjectName>.

The Type of the Cloud Storage bucket objects must match the option keyword.

  • gcsdoc - text/plain
  • gcshtml - text/html
  • gcscsv - text/csv

These options require that scope Cloud Storage (Read, Vault/Takeout Download) be enabled in gam oauth create.

Added a command to download a Cloud Storage bucket object.

gam download storagefile <StorageBucketObjectName>
        [targetfolder <FilePath>]


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are updating your GAMADV-XTD3 version:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

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