github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.31.05
GAM 6.31.05

latest releases: v7.00.04, v7.00.03, v7.00.02...
19 months ago

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Google can return an error Internal error on API calls; by default, GAM retries these API calls an additional 9 times
for a total of 10 tries. In some cases, determined by experience, the additional retries are unlikely to succeed and
GAM performs 1 additional retry rather than 9 for a total of 2 tries.

Added bail_on_internal_error_tries variable to gam.cfg that is used by GAM to control
the total number of tries for these API calls; Google seems to be sending this error when it is very busy.
The default value is 2 and values from 1 to 10 are allowed.
This is a rare event, this is an experiment to see if retrying these errors more times leads to success.


Added commands to display Chrome Devices Needing Attention counts.

gam print chromeneedsattn [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        [(ou <OrgUnitItem>)|(ou_and_children <OrgUnitItem>)|
         (ous <OrgUnitList>)|(ous_and_children <OrgUnitList>)]
        [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]
gam show chromeneedsattn
        [(ou <OrgUnitItem>)|(ou_and_children <OrgUnitItem>)|
         (ous <OrgUnitList>)|(ous_and_children <OrgUnitList>)]


Added commands to display Chrome Auto Update Expiration counts.

gam print chromeaues [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        [(ou <OrgUnitItem>)|(ou_and_children <OrgUnitItem>)|
         (ous <OrgUnitList>)|(ous_and_children <OrgUnitList>)]
        [minauedate <Date>] [maxauedate <Date>]
        [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]
gam show chromeaues
        [(ou <OrgUnitItem>)|(ou_and_children <OrgUnitItem>)|
         (ous <OrgUnitList>)|(ous_and_children <OrgUnitList>)]
        [minauedate <Date>] [maxauedate <Date>]


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> vacation to process (replace <Tag> <String>)* in the subject.


Added option nofile to gam <UserTypeEntity> get photo|profilephoto that causes GAM to suppress
writing the photo data to a file. This would typicically be used when you are capturing the photo data
written to stdout.


Added retry_api_service_not_available variable to gam.cfg that is used to have GAM retry
Service not applicable errors on API calls; Google seems to be sending this error when it is very busy.
This is a rare event, this is an experiment to see if GAM can identify these errors and retry them.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> move drivefile where the modified time of files was inappropriately being changed.


Updated code for gam <UserTypeEntity> get profilephoto size <Integer> to account for API documentation error.


Added option nodefault to gam <UserTypeEntity> get profilephoto that causes GAM to display an
error message and set the return code to 50 if the user has a default profile photo.


Added option gphoto <EmailAddress> <DriveFileIDEntity>|<DriveFileNameEntity> to gam <UserTypeEntity> update photo
that specifies an owner and file to be used as the source of the photo.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show peopleprofile fields ... where metadata was being displayed
even when showmetadata was not specified.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo <DriveFileEntity> fields shortcutdetails.targetid that caused a trap.

Added option size <Integer> to gam <UserTypeEntity> get profilephoto that specifies the size in pixels of the file to download.


Updated gam update group <GroupEntity> update [<GroupRole>] [[delivery] <DeliverySetting>] <UserTypeEntity>
to handle the following error when <UserTypeEntity> is an external member.

ERROR: 404: resourceNotFound - Does not exist

This is a Google bug where some external members can't be updated by email address.


Added option emailmatchpattern [not] <RegularExpression> to gam <UserTypeEntity> delete group|groups
that allows deleting a user from all groups of which they are a member based on (not) matching the group email address.


Added the ability to specify fields when displaying calendars.


Added the following shortcuts to <DriveFileQueryShortcut>:

* my_top_files - "'me' in owners and mimeType != application/ and 'root' in parents"
* my_top_folders - "'me' in owners and mimeType = application/ and 'root' in parents"
* my_top_items - "'me' in owners and 'root' in parents"


Following Jay's lead, added the following License SKUs:

1010390001 - Assured Controls
1010400001 - Beyond Corp Enterprise


Added option sheetsfields <SpreadsheetSheetsFieldList> to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show sheet <DriveFileEntity>
that lets you specfiy the desired subfields from the sheets field of a spreadsheet that should be displayed.
By default, all sheets subfields are displayed.

<SpreadsheetSheetsField> ::=
<SpreadsheetSheetsFieldList> ::= "<SpreadsheetSheetsField>(,<SpreadsheetSheetsField>)*"


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update|delete drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity> ... updatesheetprotectedranges
that caused a trap.


Cleaned up code for option updatesheetprotectedranges in gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update|delete drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity>.


Improved output formatting for field sheets in gam <UserTypeEntity> info sheet <DriveFileEntity>.


Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity> commands to handle the following error.

ERROR: 403: fileOrganizerOnFoldersInSharedDriveOnly - FileOrganizer role is only allowed on folders.

Added option updatesheetprotectedranges to gam create|update|delete drivefileacl commands that causes GAM to update Sheet Protected Ranges if` is a Google Sheet.


Fixed error message in gam print cigroups when an invalid field was specified.


Fixed bug in gam create cigroup <EmailAddress> name <String> <GroupAttribute>+ where the group name was set to <EmailAddress> rather than <String>.


Added option returnidonly to gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo <DriveFileEntity>
that causes GAM to return just the file ID of the files in <DriveFileEntity> file as output.

$ gam user show fileinfo root returnidonly

$ gam user testsimple show fileinfo name "Test File" returnidonly

Changed the display format of file paths for files on Shared Drives.

  • Old format - SharedDrive(TS Shared Drive 6)/TS SD6 Folder/TS TD6 Doc
  • New format -SharedDrives/TS Shared Drive 6/TS SD6 Folder/TS TD6 Doc

Added option returnpathonly to gam <UserTypeEntity> show filepath <DriveFileEntity>
that causes GAM to return just the file path of the files in <DriveFileEntity> file as output.

$ gam user show filepath name "Test File" returnpathonly
My Drive/Classroom/Test File

$ gam user show filepath 0AJ6mqwXP9wHxUk9xyz returnpathonly
TS Shared Drive 6

$ gam user testsimple show filepath 0AJ6mqwXP9wHxUk9xyz returnpathonly fullpath
SharedDrives/TS Shared Drive 6

$ gam user show filepath teamdriveid 0AJ6mqwXP9wHxUk9xyz teamdrivefilename "TS TD6 Doc" returnpathonly
SharedDrives/TS Shared Drive 6//TS SD6 Folder/TS TD6 Doc

Added command gam comment <String>* that displays the comment data on stdout.
This can be used to validate csv_input_row_filters and column value extraction.

$ more Comment.csv
$ gam config csv_input_row_drop_filter "col1:regex:bbb" csv Comment.csv gam comment "Col1:~~col1~~" "Col2:~~col2~~"
2022-12-16T12:41:50.045-08:00,0/2,Using 2 processes...
Col1:aaa Col2:111
Col1:ccc Col2:333

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> create|delete license <SKUIDList> to take a list of SKUs.

Updated gam create user <EmailAddress> ... license <SKUIDList> to take a list of SKUs.

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> sync license <SKUIDList> to take a list of SKUs and
added option allskus|onesku that is required when multiple SKUs are specified.

  • allskus indicates that users in <UserTypeEntity> will be updated to have all of the SKUs in <SKUIDList>.
    • This is typically used when assigning different types of licenses, such as an Enterprise license and a Voice license.
  • onesku indicates that users in <UserTypeEntity> with none of the licenses in<SKUIDList> will be updated to have the first available license SKU in <SKUIDList>.
    • This is typically used with Google Education Plus or Google Education Standard licenses, which are split across multiple SKUs.

Added option basic to gam print cigroups that causes GAM to display the basic
Cloud Identity Group fields, i.e., those fields that do not require an additional API call per group.

Following Jay's lead, added option query <String> to gam print cigroups.


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are updating your GAMADV-XTD3 version:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

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