github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.29.19
GAM 6.29.19

latest releases: v6.76.02, v6.76.01, v6.76.00...
17 months ago

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Latest updates


Fixed bug introduced in 6.29.17 in todrive that caused a trap.


Added the following variables to gam.cfg to provide more flexibility when multiple row filters are specified.

  • csv_input_row_filter_mode allmatch|anymatch
    • allmatch - all filters must match to include in input; this is the default and is the current behavior
    • anymatch - any filter must match to include in input
  • csv_input_row_drop_filter_mode allmatch|anymatch
    • allmatch - all filters must match to drop from input
    • anymatch - any filter must match to drop from input; this is the default and is the current behavior
  • csv_output_row_filter_mode allmatch|anymatch
    • allmatch - all filters must match to include in output; this is the default and is the current behavior
    • anymatch - any filter must match to include in output
  • csv_output_row_drop_filter_mode allmatch|anymatch
    • allmatch - all filters must match to drop from output
    • anymatch - any filter must match to drop from output; this is the default and is the current behavior


Added option todrive tdcellnumberformat text|number that causes GAM to set the Sheet Number format when uploading files with todrive.


Fixed bug introduced in 6.29.15 that caused an error like this:

ERROR: Config File: gam.cfg, Section: DEFAULT, Item: todrive_locale, Value: "en_us", Expected: ,ar-eg,az-az,be-by,bg-bg,bn-in,ca-es,cs-cz,cy-gb,da-dk,de-ch,de-de,el-gr,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,en-ie,en-us,es-ar,es-bo,es-cl,es


Updated gam [<UserTypeEntity>] info|print|show drivelabels languagecode <DriveLabelLanguageCode> to use the BCP-47 language code.


Added option stripcrsfromtitle to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show datastudioassets that causes carriage returns,
linefeeds and nulls to be stripped from asset titles.


Updated status messages in gam delete|update chromepolicy to be more informative.

Fixed bug in gam delete chromepolicy with schema chrome.users.apps.InstallType.


Fixed issue in gam update chromepolicy with schemas chrome.users.apps.ManagedConfiguration,
chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.ManagedConfiguration and chrome.devices.kiosk.apps.ManagedConfiguration.


Improved performance of gam update chromepolicy.


Attempted to fix issues in gam update chromepolicy with schemas chrome.users.apps.InstallType
and chrome.users.apps.IncludeInChromeWebStoreCollection.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> create tasklist that caused a trap.

Added countsonly option to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show tasks|tasklists that causes GAM to display
the number of tasks|tasklists for a user rather than listing the details.

Added option due <Time> to <TaskAttribute> that can be used to set a task due date
in gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update task.

Fixed bug in gam update chromepolicy that caused an error with this prefix:
1 Chrome Policy Update Failed: Invalid enum value:


Fixed bug where csvfile -:fieldName was not properly recognized on Windows.


Added option from <EmailAddress> to gam create|update user ... notify <EmailAddressList> that
uses <EmailAddress> as the from address rather than the admin user identified in oauth2.txt.


Following Jay's lead, added option returnnameonly to gam create|update inboundssoprofile that
causes GAM to display just the profile name of the created|updated profile. This will be useful
in scripts that create|update a profile and then want to perform subsequent GAM commands that
reference the profile.


Improved code for gam [<UserTypeEntity>] create teamdrive <Name> ou <OrgUnitItem>.


Updated multiprocessing on MacOS to use spawn instead of fork when starting subprocesses
as fork was unreliable when large numbers (>20) of threads were used; subprocesses would
hang and never complete.


Thanks to Jay, added support for the user field displayName that can be set independently of fullName`.


Updated gam info|print|show crostelemetry to avoid the following trap:
KeyError: 'temperatureCelsius'


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show labels where fields messageListVisibility,
labelListVisibility and color were not displayed.

Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> draft|insert|import message emlfile <FileName> where the
Date header in the file was overridden with the current date.


Added option emlfile <FileName> to gam <UserTypeEntity> draft|insert|import message that
allows processing an EML message file. SMTP headers specified in the command will replace those in the message file.

Following Jay's lead, added commands to manage/display Inbound SSO.


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

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26d24b96e57945b6e6bddffd663885575ae204b016c381f302ec0bf8fed05edb  gamadv-xtd3-6.29.19-macos-arm64.tar.xz
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