github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.29.06
GAM 6.29.06

latest releases: v6.77.06, v6.77.05, v6.77.04...
19 months ago

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Latest updates


Following Jay's lead, added option returnnameonly to gam create|update inboundssoprofile that
causes GAM to display just the profile name of the created|updated profile. This will be useful
in scripts that create|update a profile and then want to perform subsequent GAM commands that
reference the profile.


Improved code for gam [<UserTypeEntity>] create teamdrive <Name> ou <OrgUnitItem>.


Updated multiprocessing on MacOS to use spawn instead of fork when starting subprocesses
as fork was unreliable when large numbers (>20) of threads were used; subprocesses would
hang and never complete.


Thanks to Jay, added support for the user field displayName that can be set independently of fullName`.


Updated gam info|print|show crostelemetry to avoid the following trap:
KeyError: 'temperatureCelsius'


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show labels where fields messageListVisibility,
labelListVisibility and color were not displayed.

Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> draft|insert|import message emlfile <FileName> where the
Date header in the file was overridden with the current date.


Added option emlfile <FileName> to gam <UserTypeEntity> draft|insert|import message that
allows processing an EML message file. SMTP headers specified in the command will replace those in the message file.

Following Jay's lead, added commands to manage/display Inbound SSO.


Fixed bug in gam create|update user ... password random notify <EmailAddress> that caused a trap
when the random password contained { and }.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> update contact ... birthday "" that caused a trap
rather that clearing the birthday from the contact.


Added option addcsvdata <FieldName> <String> to gam create shareddrive ... csv. This adds
additional columns of data to the CSV file output. For example, you are building student Shared Drives
and want to add ACLs to them adding the students as organizers. By adding the student's primary email address
to the CSV output, it can be used in subsequent commands.

primaryEmail,Name,Bob Jones,Mary Smith

# Create the student Shared Drives
gam redirect stdout ./StudentSharedDrivesCreated.txt multiprocess redirect stderr stdout redirect csv ./StudentSharedDrivesCreated.csv multiprocess csv StudentSharedDrives.csv gam create shareddrive "~Name" csv addcsvdata primaryEmail \
# Add ACLs granting the students organizer access to their Shared Drives.
gam redirect stdout ./StudentSharedDrivesAccess.txt multiprocess redirect stderr stdout csv StudentSharedDrivesCreated.csv gam add drivefileacl "~id" user "~primaryEmail" role organizer


Updated `gam print filelist "query:mimeType='application/'" to prevent the
following error.

ERROR: Invalid choice (query:mimetype='application/vnd): Expected <capabilities|contentrestrictions|labelinfo|labels|lastmodifyinguser|owners|parents|permissions|sharinguser|shortcutdetails|trashinguser>


Added option today to gam report to look for events on the current day. This will be most useful
with gam report <ActivityApplictionName> as gam report users|customers rarely has data for the current day.

Added option today to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show driveactivity to look for events on the current day.


Added option csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] (addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>)* to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile
that causes GAM to output CSV data detailing the name, id and mimeType of the copied files and folders
rather than text messages. These are the CSV headers:


You can add additional columns of data from the command line to the CSV data with (addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>)*.

Added option suppressnotselectedmessages [<Boolean>] to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile
that causes GAM to suppress text messages referencing files and folders not selected for copying by the following options:

copysubfiles false [filenamematchpattern <RegularExpression>] [filemimetype [not] <MimeTypeList>]
copysubfolders false [foldernamematchpattern <RegularExpression>
copysubshortcuts false [shortcutnamematchpattern <RegularExpression>


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show messages ... showbody that caused a trap.

Added code to handle the following error that occurs when copying permissions:

ERROR: 400: shareInNotPermitted - Bad Request. User message: "An item can't be shared with because of sharing policy"


Added the following items to <UserMultiAttribute>:

  • employeeid <String> as a synonym for externalids organization <String>
  • manager <String> as a synonym for relations manager <String>

Added the following items to <UserFieldName>:

  • employeeid as a synonym for externalids
  • manager as a synonym for relations


Added filtercontactgroup <PeopleContactGroupItem> to <PeoplePrintShowUserContactSelection>
that is used by gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show contacts. When selectcontactgroup <PeopleContactGroupItem>
is used in these commands, GAM makes an API call to get the list of contacts in <PeopleContactGroupItem>
and then makes an API call per contact to get the details; this may exceed quota limits.
When filtercontactgroup <PeopleContactGroupItem> is used, GAM makes an API call to get all contacts and
then filters the list to only those in <PeopleContactGroupItem>; quota limits should not apply.


Build MacOS x86_64 and arm64 executables.


Fixed bug in gam forward message|thread that misformatted the message when Cc: was present.


Fixed bug in gam forward message|thread where subject was blanked out.


  • Upgraded to Python 3.11.0 where possible.
  • Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.0.7 where possible.

Fixed bug in gam forward message where messages originally sent to multiple recipients
were not forwarded correctly.

Added command to forward threads; all messages referenced by the thread are forwarded; this is experimental, test.

gam <UserTypeEntity> forward thread|threads recipient|to <RecipientEntity>
        (((query <QueryGmail>) (matchlabel <LabelName>) [or|and])+
         [quick|notquick] [doit] [max_to_forward <Number>])|(ids <MessageIDEntity>)
        [subject <String>]


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

79670d9df2bf3a29a201d6e752689bb63d965fe69a3c8aac68829304395b9da8  gamadv-xtd3-6.29.06-linux-arm64-glibc2.23.tar.xz
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ef9f9babc9526a86506f5e78d8c0cad64c73b0efc4ee2a2142ba6588ad4b0b82  gamadv-xtd3-6.29.06-linux-arm64-glibc2.31.tar.xz
2455c806f98534eecdfa349ed425c5f7df4ce892afcb966f9a245fb7cc4ba375  gamadv-xtd3-6.29.06-linux-x86_64-glibc2.19.tar.xz
967e8e6d715b230bb3c4f7011b6eaeac03013c601f8a2e5e3569e176b7275631  gamadv-xtd3-6.29.06-linux-x86_64-glibc2.23.tar.xz
3355d04eebac9e96010ab47ef3f72732243256d623ee9846090b60c89a8adfef  gamadv-xtd3-6.29.06-linux-x86_64-glibc2.27.tar.xz
a9499bdc5fb4339e397aba5200e9cf2552f2a44fef42fcfd4965586d1cb3ef3a  gamadv-xtd3-6.29.06-linux-x86_64-glibc2.31.tar.xz
f1a49e45ea288756340a3c8ed9739b67280e6446f23cc18c8d5929826dc22504  gamadv-xtd3-6.29.06-linux-x86_64-glibc2.35.tar.xz
a5eb79773b7584b8601442ff0974ee87fdd1e40f973bcd9cf3f9c78e9988a5d5  gamadv-xtd3-6.29.06-linux-x86_64-legacy.tar.xz
97d420e37c0533c51b3c852a1b86309b92cf23577a5521daba73661a4809f097  gamadv-xtd3-6.29.06-macos-arm64.tar.xz
590785e6621d3ecd0464a20fc556063d6c96038b3752b5cf569e18e304e7a17c  gamadv-xtd3-6.29.06-macos-x86_64-legacy.tar
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c94b8bf517ffc3dd85ce60955afd896870d7f7c22eaa58caa4a0cc81eec7c7bc  gamadv-xtd3-6.29.06-windows-x86_64.msi

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