github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.28.04
GAM 6.28.04

latest releases: v6.77.06, v6.77.05, v6.77.04...
20 months ago

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Added filtercontactgroup <PeopleContactGroupItem> to <PeoplePrintShowUserContactSelection>
that is used by gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show contacts. When selectcontactgroup <PeopleContactGroupItem>
is used in these commands, GAM makes an API call to get the list of contacts in <PeopleContactGroupItem>
and then makes an API call per contact to get the details; this may exceed quota limits.
When filtercontactgroup <PeopleContactGroupItem> is used, GAM makes an API call to get all contacts and
then filters the list to only those in <PeopleContactGroupItem>; quota limits should not apply.


Build MacOS x86_64 and arm64 executables.


Fixed bug in gam forward message|thread that misformatted the message when Cc: was present.


Fixed bug in gam forward message|thread where subject was blanked out.


  • Upgraded to Python 3.11.0 where possible.
  • Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.0.7 where possible.

Fixed bug in gam forward message where messages originally sent to multiple recipients
were not forwarded correctly.

Added command to forward threads; all messages referenced by the thread are forwarded; this is experimental, test.

gam <UserTypeEntity> forward thread|threads recipient|to <RecipientEntity>
        (((query <QueryGmail>) (matchlabel <LabelName>) [or|and])+
         [quick|notquick] [doit] [max_to_forward <Number>])|(ids <MessageIDEntity>)
        [subject <String>]


Eliminated superfluous column header labels in gam print cigroups.

Added command to forward messages; this is experimental, test.

gam <UserTypeEntity> forward message|messages recipient|to <RecipientEntity>
        (((query <QueryGmail>) (matchlabel <LabelName>) [or|and])+
         [quick|notquick] [doit] [max_to_forward <Number>])|(ids <MessageIDEntity>)


Added option url <URL> to gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update drivefile that allows
GAM to upload files referenced by URL to Google Drive.

Added csv_input_row_limit variable to gam.cfg that is used to limit the number of rows read from a CSV file.

Added csv_output_row_limit variable to gam.cfg that is used to limit the number of rows written to a CSV file.


Added option embedimage <FileName> <String> to the following commands that allows
embedding images in HTML email messages.

gam sendemail [recipient|to] <RecipientEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> sendemail recipient|to <RecipientEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> sendemail from <EmailAddress>
gam <UserTypeEntity> draft|import|insert message

Your HTML message will contain lines like this:

<img src="cid:image1"/>
<img src="cid:image2"/>

Your command line will have: embedimage file1.jpg image1 embedimage file2.jpg image2`

Added archive as a synonym for archived and suspend as a synonym for suspended
in <UserBasicAttribute>.


Added option tdshare <EmailAddress> commenter|reader|writer to <ToDriveAttribute>. When a new
todrive file is created, i.e., tdfileid <DriveFileID> is not specified, the uploaded file will
be shared as specified. <EmailAddress> must be valid within your Google Workspace.


Updated todrive tdfileid <DriveFileID> to display an informative error message when Google generates
an Internal Error. It appears that the file was successfully uploaded and converted to a sheet but
the conversion took longer that the API was willing to wait, so it generated the error.


Updated todrive tdfileid <DriveFileID> to not perform retries for Internal Error when updating an existing file
as the 6.27.15 update didn't fix the underlying problem.


Fixed bug in gam show chromeschemas that caused a trap due to unexpected data from Google.

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> collect orphans to handle the error:

ERROR: 403: shortcutTargetInvalid - The specified file is not an allowed shortcut target type.

These are typically Google Backup & Sync images of laptops.

Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> sendemail from <EmailAddress> that reported:

User:, Send Email to 0 Recipients

Updated todrive tdfileid <DriveFileID> to perform retries for Internal Error when updating an existing file.

Added option noselfowner to all commands that print or show calendar ACls;
it suppresses the display of ACLs that reference the calendar itself as its owner.


Extended gam print addresses to include information about domains and resource calendars.
A new column Target was added that displays target information for user, group and domain aliases.


Added option showdate to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show messages|threads that displays
the internalDate field for a message|thread.

The internal message creation timestamp (epoch ms), which determines ordering in the inbox.
For normal SMTP-received email, this represents the time the message was originally accepted by Google,
which is more reliable than the Date header.


Added option labellist <LabelNameEntity> to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show labels
to allow selection of labels to display.

Added option cigrouptree to gam info user. Previously, the grouptree option used
the Cloud Identity Groups API to display the users group tree structure. This API is licensed
and the command would generate an error if you didn't have the license. Now, the grouptree option
uses the Directory API and the cigrouptree option uses the Cloud Identity Groups API.

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> collect orphans to not use shortcuts by default.
If an orphan file can have its parent changed without affecting its access by other users, the parent is changed.
If a parent change would affect the access by other users, a shortcut is created. You can still use
the useshortcuts true option to force the use of shortcuts. If you specify the preview option,
a new column, action, shows changeParent or createShortcut to indicate what action will be taken
when preview is omitted.


Added options showparentsaslist [<Boolean>] and delimiter <Character> to gam print grouptree and
gam <UserTypeEntity> print grouptree that display the group parent emails and names in two columns
as delimited lists rather than multiple indexed columns.

Added options downloadattempts <Integer> and retryinterval <Integer> to gam download vaultexport
that cause GAM to wait for a vault export to be completed. By default, GAM makes only one download attempt.
If multiple attempts are specified with downloadattempts <Integer>, GAM waits retryinterval <Integer> seconds
between attempts; the default retry interval is 30 seconds.


Added command gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show grouptree to display a user's groups and their parent groups.


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

sha256 hashes

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