github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.22.16
GAM 6.22.16

latest releases: v7.00.12, v7.00.11, v7.00.10...
2 years ago

Latest updates


Corrected spelling of spreadcheetid to spreadsheetid and spreadcheeturl to spreadsheeturl
in <SpreadsheetField> used by gam <UserTypeEntity> info|print|show sheet <DriveFileEntity>.

<SpreadsheetField> ::=


Updated code to handle the following Oauth2 error:

ERROR: Authentication Token Error - access_denied: Account restricted


Added option stripcrsfromname to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filepath that causes carriage returns,
linefeeds and nulls to be stripped from file names.

Added option fullpath to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filepath and gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo
that adds additional path information indicating that a file is an Orphan or Shared with me.

Added keywords mydriveid and rootid to <DriveFileEntity> as synonyms for mydrive and root in all
commands except gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist|filetree. In those commands, select mydrive|root
is used to select a class of files; select mydriveid|rootid is used to select a folder starting point.


Updated code to handle another Google API problem when updating the OU of a Chromebook.


Updated code to handle a Google API problem when updating the OU of a Chromebook.


Updated gam download vaultexport|export to avoid a trap when the
usenewexport true option was used on the gam create vaultexport|export command
that created the matter.


Dropped deprecated argument enforcesingleparent <Boolean> from these commands:

gam <UserTypeEntity> create|add|update drivefile
gam <UserTypeEntity> create|add drivefileacl
gam <UserTypeEntity> create|add permissions
gam <UserTypeEntity> create|add sheet


Fixed bug in gam print cros ...showdvrsfp that caused a 'ZeroDivisionError: division by zero' trap.


Fixed bug where gam info people was not recognized as a valid command.


Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filetree select <DriveFileEntity> where the stripcrsfromname
option was not applied.


Updated code to handle Enterprise Licensing API issue with SKU 1010060001 (Google Workspace Essentials).


Fixed bug introduced in 6.22.04 in gam print users that caused a trap.


Fixed bug in gam update drivefile <DriveFileEntity> ... parentid <DriveFolderID> newfilename <DriveFileName>
where the file was not renamed.

The Enterprise License Manager API doesn't provide an option to get a list of the licenses a user holds.
For gam info user, GAM makes a batch API call with 47 product/SKU pairs querying whether the user holds
a license for the product/SKU. An error is returned (and suppressed) for each product/SKU pair for which
the user does not hold a license.

Currently, when you specify the license option with gam print users, GAM downloads all licenses for the domain
and from that data determines which licenses a user holds. For large numbers of users this works reasonably well;
for a small number of users the all license download might be overly expensive. The following options (synonyms)
licensebyuser|licensesbyuser|licencebyuser|licencesbyuser were added to gam print users that cause it
to use the batch API call method to retrieve the licenses for each user.

Additionally, these options (products <ProductIDList>)|(skus <SKUIDList>) can be used with both gam info user
and gam print users to limit the licenses retrieved.

Added license_skus variable to gam.cfg that defines the SKUs that will be processed when getting licenses.
Each item in the list can be a <SKUID> which will be validated or <ProductID>/<SKUID> which will not.
The default, an empty string, means that all SKUs will be processed when getting licenses.


Fixed bug in gam report customers|users ... date <Date> nodatechange where previous
bug fix in 6.20.10 changed the format of the output.


Google has updated the Directory API to explicitly allow updating the OU of a Chromebook
with the OU ID rather than the OU path. The update_cros_ou_with_id variable in gam.cfg specifies
whether to use the OU ID or path to update the OU of a Chromebook.

The Directory API now supports displaying the OU ID of a Chromebook; added orgunitid to <CrOSFieldName>
to allow display of this attribute in gam info|print cros.

Added display of the OU ID of a Chromebook to gam print crosactivity.


Fixed bug in code introduced in 6.22.00 that caused a trap.


Extended csv_input_row_filter, csv_input_row_drop_filter, csv_output_row_filter and csv_output_row_filter
to allow specification of filter values from a list, flat file or CSV file.


When setting a multivalued custom schema field for a user, if type home|other|work|(custom <String>) is not specified,
work will be assigned. Previously, if type was not specified, Google would accept the field without a type
but would eventually set type to work itself in the background.

Added ProuctID 101036: Google Meet Global Dialing and SKUID meetdialing|googlemeetglobaldialing;
thanks to @jay-eleven.

Added option formatjson to gam info resoldcustomer <CustomerID>.


Fixed bug in gam update|use project that caused the command to fail on Windows.


Fixed bug in gam print|show projects|svcaccts that caused a trap.

Added support for new calendar event read-only field eventType; thanks to @josemdv.


Updated handling of multivalued custom schema fields that are specified without a type;
the type will be shown as work as Google eventually sets the type to work itself.


Fixed bug in gam info|show schema that caused a trap.


Updated gam update chromepolicy to allow specification of policy data with JSON.
For complex policies, this is the only way to enter the policy data.

gam update chromepolicy
          (<Field> <Value>)+ |
          (json [charset <Charset>] <JSONData>) |
          (json file <FileName> [charset <Charset>])
        ou|org|orgunit <OrgUnitItem> [(printerid <PrinterID>)|(appid <AppID>)]


Added clock_skew_in_seconds variable to gam.cfg that defines the number of seconds
of clock skew allowed between local time and Google time. The default value is 10 seconds
which was the previous hard-coded value.

Updated GAM spreadsheet commands to handle the following error:

ERROR: 400: failedPrecondition - This operation is not supported for this document


Added option allowitemdeletion to gam [<UserTypeEntity>] delete shareddrive <SharedDriveEntity>
that allows deletion of non-empty Shared Drives. This option requires a Super Admin user.


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

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