Latest updates
Updated gam print|show teamdriveacls
to display the creation time of the Team/Shared drives.
Added the option excludepermissionsfromdomains <DomainNameList>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile <DriveFileEntity>
that excludes permissions that reference any domain in <DomainNameList>
from being copied.
- Thanks to Kevin Sanghvi for suggesting this enhancement.
Fixed bug gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile <DriveFileEntity>
where option copymergewithparentfolderpermissions
was not recognized.
Added the following options to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile <DriveFileEntity>
that provide more flexibility in managing permissions when copying/moving folders.
- Thanks to Kevin Sanghvi for suggesting these enhancements.
copyfileinheritedpermissions [<Boolean>]
copyfilenoninheritedpermissions [<Boolean>]
copymergewithparentfolderpermissions [<Boolean>]
copymergedtopfolderpermissions [<Boolean>]
copytopfolderiheritedpermissions [<Boolean>]
copytopfoldernoniheritedpermissions never|always|syncallfolders|syncupdatedfolders
copymergedsubfolderpermissions [<Boolean>]
copysubfolderinheritedpermissions [<Boolean>]
copysubfoldernoniheritedpermissions never|always|syncallfolders|syncupdatedfolders
- See:
- See:
Following Jay's lead, added command gam <UserTypeEntity> show vaultholds
to display all vault holds
affecting a user. This allows you to investigate the error Delete Failed: Precondition is not met.
when trying to delete a user.
Added option buildpath [<Boolean>]
to gam <UserTypeEntity> create filter label <LabelName>
that controls whether
of the form Top/Middle/Bottom
will be created as single-level or multi-level.
Added option hidden <Boolean>' to
gam update teamdrive`.
Fixed bug in gam print|show matters matterstate <MatterStateList>
that caused a trap.
Fixed bug in gam update mobile <MobileEntity> action block
that caused the following error:
ERROR: 400: invalidInput - Invalid value for: action_block is not a valid value
- Upgraded to Python 3.10.2
- Updated google-api-python-client to version 2.35.0
If you are a first time Gam user:
If you are upgrading from standard Gam
If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD