github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.11.04
GAM 6.11.04

latest releases: v7.00.38, v7.00.37, v7.0036...
2 years ago

Latest updates

When specifying <UserAttribute> languages, it is an error to specify a custom language with a preference suffix +-.

Added option includederivedmembership to gam print|show cigroup-members.
This option causes the API to list indirect members of groups.

Updated gam oauth export|refresh to privent the following error.

ERROR: Authentication Token Error - Not all requested scopes were granted by the authorization server, missing scopes , https://sitesgooglecom/feeds, https://wwwgooglecom/m8/feeds

Added option noinvitablecheck to gam whatis <EmailItem> that suppresses the user invitation check
to avoid exceeding quota limits when checking a large number of addresses.

Following Jay's lead, updated processing of <UserAttribute> languages.
You could always set a user's languages via the API; Google has added the ability to
indicate whether a language is preferred or not_preferred. This is implemeted in
GAM by optionally appending a + to a language code to set preferred and a '-' to set not_preferred.
In the user's profile, only preferred languages are displayed.

gam update user languages en+,fr+.

Updated all Cloud Identity API group calls to use version v1 of the API rather than version v1beta1.

Added option nobatchupdate to gam <CrOSTypeEntity> update ou <OrgUnitPath> and
gam update cros <CrOSEntity> ou <OrgUnitPath> that prevents GAM from using batch mode
to update the devices; this allows handling the rateLimitExceeded error described below.

Updated code to to handle the following error as retryable:

403: rateLimitExceeded - Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Queries' and limit 'Queries per minute per user' of service '' for consumer 'project_number: (project)'

Updated gam print groups and gam print|show group-members to allow identification of groups
with the All users in the organization member with: member id:<CustomerID>.

Upgraded to Python 3.10.1


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If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD

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