Latest updates
- Upgraded to Python 3.9.6
- Upgraded to Google API Python Client 2.10.0
- Upgraded to Google Auth 1.32.0
Added option groupidfilter <String>
to gam report <ActivityApplictionName>
From the API documentation:
Comma separated group ids (obfuscated) on which user activities are filtered,
i.e, the response will contain activities for only those users that are a
part of at least one of the group ids mentioned here. Format: "id:abc123,id:xyz456"
Is obfuscated
explained? No. Does the option work in my testing? No.
Updates when I figure out what's going on.
Added fields resourcekey
and linksharemetadata
to <DriveFieldName>
Added option securityupdate <Boolean>
to <DriveFileAttribute>
sets linkShareMetadata.securityUpdateEnabled
to <Boolean>
If you are a first time Gam user:
If you are upgrading from standard Gam
If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD