github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.03.30
GAM 6.03.30

latest releases: v6.75.02, v6.75.01, v6.75.00...
2 years ago

Latest updates

Added option addtitle <String> to gam print|show drivefileacls to provide more useful output
when reading file IDs from a CSV file. By default, just the file ID is displayed with the permissions;
the showtitles option adds the file name to the output at the expense of an additional API call.
If you have the file name in the CSV file, you can use the addtitle option to supply the file name.
For example, to get the ACLs for your Team Drives with the Team Drive name included in the output:

gam redirect csv ./TeamDrives.csv print teamdrives
gam redirect csv ./TeamDriveACLs.csv multiprocess csv ./TeamDrives.csv gam print drivefileacls teamdriveid "~id" addtitle "~name" fields id,domain,emailaddress,role,type,deleted


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