github taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3 v6.03.13
GAM 6.03.13

latest releases: v6.76.11, v6.76.10, v6.76.09...
3 years ago

Latest updates

Added option show all|direct|inherited to gam print|show chromepolicies which allows selection of
policies by whether the policy is set directly on the OU or is inherited from a parent OU; the default is all.
A Boolean field/column, direct, has been added to the output. This makes copying only direct policies from one OU to another easy.

# Display direct policies
gam redirect csv ChromePolicies.csv print chromepolicies ou "/Path/To/OU1" show direct
gam csv ChromePolicies.csv gam update chromepolicy "~name" "" "~fields.0.value" "" "~fields.1.value" ou "/Path/To/OU2"

# Display all policies, select direct on update
gam redirect csv ChromePolicies.csv print chromepolicies ou "/Path/To/OU1"
gam config csv_input_row_filter "direct:boolean:true" csv ChromePolicies.csv gam update chromepolicy "~name" "" "~fields.0.value" "" "~fields.1.value" ou "/Path/To/OU2"


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