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Added option makefirstteacherowner
to the following commands:
gam course <CourseID> create|add teachers [makefirstteacherowner] <UserItem>
gam course <CourseID> sync teachers [addonly|removeonly] [makefirstteacherowner] <UserTypeEntity>
gam courses <CourseEntity> create|add teachers [makefirstteacherowner] <UserTypeEntity>
gam courses <CourseEntity> sync teachers [addonly|removeonly] [makefirstteacherowner] <UserTypeEntity>
In each command the only/first user in <UserItem>
or <UserTypeEntity>
will be updated to be the
owner of the Course(s).
If you are a first time Gam user:
If you are upgrading from standard Gam
If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD