PL/Java brings functions, triggers, and types in Java. 1.5.6 adds support for PostgreSQL 13 and a workaround for a build issue on EnterpriseDB 11.
It includes improvements to the java.sql.SQLXML
API, an update of the ISO SQL/XML examples based on the Saxon product to Saxon 10, some improvements to internals, and a number of bug fixes.
Project site:
Release notes:
Selected changes
API now includes more adjustments to control behavior when processing documents that may be from untrusted sources: resource limits, control of resolution of external documents and entities, validation against a schema, and integration of an XML catalog to locally satisfy requests for external documents. -
The optional ISO SQL/XML examples based on the Saxon library now use Saxon 10, which now includes support for XML Query higher-order functions in the freely-licensed Saxon-HE.
Interoperation between PostgreSQL and Java arrays, while still treating all PostgreSQL arrays as one-dimensional, has been improved. For arrays that correspond to Java primitive types, either a Java primitive array or its boxed counterpart can be used, and a boxed array can include nulls.
Please see the release notes for a more complete list of changes.
1.5.6 is available from GitHub as a source release, which builds quickly using Maven:
Release page:
This wiki page will add links to prebuilt packages that become available: