🔥 Highlights
- A completely new dashboard!
- Re-wrote the performance chart to better represent the reality of the server performance, added zoom/pan, added a cursor, and improved the rendering performance.
- Added an exclusive thread performance chart.
- Added tracking of server process and node.js memory usage, as well as median player and server uptime.
- Added a new pie chart showing the reasons why players are disconnecting from your server.
- Added a ban templates feature, where you pre-configure ban reasons and expirations, which will appear in a dropdown when banning a player. This is a real time saver!
- Added an option to filter by if a player is admin, injured or in a vehicle to the in-game playerlist.
🤩 Worth Mentioning
- Fixed the UI lag for browsers with hardware acceleration disabled.
- Migrated the "ban identifiers" feature to the new UI.
- Removed old live console, players, and system logs page, as well as a bunch of old dependencies.
- And of course a bunch more small fixes, improvements and tweaks.
- panel: added drag-n-drop sortable components (tabarra)
- ban-tpl: completed implementation (tabarra)
- menu: added filters to the playerlist (tabarra)
- migrated system logs to react (tabarra)
- added new ban ids page (tabarra)
- core: reorganizing all stats into a StatsManager (tabarra)
- core: improved function to clean the player names (tabarra)
- core: allow americans to type 24:00 as a valid clock time (tabarra)
Bug Fixes
- core: unrenderable legacy 404 page (tabarra)
- web: small css issues from v7.1 (tabarra)
- resource: dont attempt to RegisterKeyMapping in RedM #946 (Flowrider)
- resource: check if entity exists before trying to access it (tabarra)
- removed background/backdrop blur for performance reasons (tabarra)
Code Refactoring
- applied new ban form to the player modal (tabarra)
- core: bunch of small stuff (tabarra)
- panel: socket event types + moved console hooks file (tabarra)
- report bundle as gzip size as well (tabarra)
Continuous Integration
- fixed locale pr workflow (tabarra)
- update most packages (tabarra)
- remove pending DynamicNewBadge (tabarra)
- added dependencies license report generator (tabarra)
- replaced coreui bundled file + few small changes (tabarra)
- removed unused legacy icons (tabarra)
- updated packages + added bundle size report (tabarra)
- improved licensing and bundle size report (tabarra)
- minor stuff (tabarra)
- removed legacy live console page (tabarra)
- renamed live console page file + small stuff (tabarra)
- remove deprecated legacy stuff (tabarra)
- redact webhooks in diagnostics report + helpers tests (tabarra)
- small changes + version bump (tabarra)
- improved invisible characters detection on player names (tabarra)
- preset-reasons: initial page design (tabarra)
- preset-reasons: input dialog done (tabarra)
- preset-reasons: added status bar (tabarra)
- Number of admin accounts on the server #945 (Gergely Lendvay)
- preset-reasons: added dnd sorting (tabarra)
- ban-tpl: renamed from preset reasons to ban templates (tabarra)
- ban-tpl: ui saving data to the backend (tabarra)
- ban-tpl: small ui improvements (tabarra)
- ban-tpl: added callout to new page (tabarra)
- ban-tpl: added dropdown for the web modal (tabarra)
- ban-tpl: hydrate the web modal with backend data (tabarra)
- ban-tpl: improved web modal mobile responsiveness (tabarra)
- ban-tpl: added ban templates to nui menu (tabarra)
- ban-tpl: changed nanoid default size (tabarra)
- ban-tpl: reset the input dialog after close (tabarra)
- perf: new perf parser (tabarra)
- perf: a lot of the logic (tabarra)
- perf: fetching fxsMemory and perfData in parallel (tabarra)
- perf: renamed a bunch of stuff (tabarra)
- perf: added stubs to vitest environments (tabarra)
- perf: backend completed - tests pending (tabarra)
- perf: backend completed fixes (tabarra)
- perf: playerDrop stats (tabarra)
- perf: playerDrop stats with the new format (tabarra)
- perf: playerDrop tested and working (tabarra)
- dashboard: scaffolding + player drop chart with mock data (tabarra)
- dashboard: thread perf chart (tabarra)
- dashboard: fixed resizing issues + more (tabarra)
- dashboard: actually fixed resizing issues + debouncing (tabarra)
- perf: methods to process the svRuntime log for charting (tabarra)
- dashboard: prepping FullPerfCard + assorted changes (tabarra)
- perf: save perf bucket counts instead of frequencies (tabarra)
- dashboard: full perf chart data methods + routes (tabarra)
- dashboard: full perf chart basic histogram groups (tabarra)
- dashboard: full perf chart with canvas (tabarra)
- dashboard: full perf chart axis with zoom + pan (tabarra)
- dashboard: full perf chart cursor + fixed zoom (tabarra)
- dashboard: missed file changes (tabarra)
- dashboard: cursor atom (tabarra)
- dashboard: socketio dashboard room with initial data (tabarra)
- dashboard: thread perf chart working (tabarra)
- bunch of small changes (tabarra)
- bunch of small changes (tabarra)
- dashboard: player drop cars + loading states (tabarra)
- dashboard: light mode + thread selector + resizing (tabarra)
- dashboard: all cards data done (tabarra)
- dashboard: completed (tabarra)