github t0bst4r/home-assistant-matter-hub v3.0.0-alpha.27

latest releases: v3.0.0-alpha.76, v3.0.0-alpha.75, v3.0.0-alpha.74...
4 months ago

3.0.0-alpha.27 (2024-11-12)

🚀 Features

  • basicInformation: add change detection and reachable check to all devices (d48c9b6)
  • cli: added a config-option to provide a configuration file instead of CLI arguments (b5325d6)

🩹 Fixes

  • basicInformation: reduce the hash for long names to 4 chars (1212ad3)
  • basicInformation: use the entity_id as name, if name is missing (d4baf5c)

❤️ Thank You

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