github systemjs/builder 0.15.0
SystemJS Builder 0.15.0

latest releases: 0.16.15, 0.16.14, 0.16.13...
8 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • Bundles now build unnormalized dependency names for smaller output and full dynamic resolution in production. Use builder.bundle('main', { normalize: true }) for 0.14 backwards-compatibility.
  • AMD static builds separated from UMD builds. AMD builds no longer work in non-AMD environments, so switch to format: 'umd' instead if this is needed.
  • Automatic rollup optimization of ES module subgraphs within static builds. In addition no SFX core code is needed when every module in the tree is an ES module (7643b2f, 9eddd51, 05917be)


  • Static builds output as UMD by default.
  • ES module output format for static ES module builds with rollup optimization (#259)
  • SystemJS now extracts ES module dependencies without execution in the build environment (#299)
  • Static builds now support UMD output format (56eab82)
  • Smaller SFX core for all register modules (216f183)
  • New excludeURLs option by default treating CDN URLs as exclusions to the build, no longer needing build: false metadata.
  • Builder support for the new json format and configuration bundling for packages.

Bug Fixes

  • Builder invalidation recovery on failed loads (#433)
  • globalDeps are now correctly normalized when running static builds (#444)
  • Fix babelOptions state persistence error affecting alternate builds (#448)
  • Provide Node require to the config file execution context (16eb499)

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