🔥 HotFix
- Theming issue with selecting messages and message details
🔮 Features
- Screen Lock 📱
- Pin Protected Encrypted Storage 💽
- UserID Quick Copy @EdGeraghty
✨ Improvements
- Improved Edit Message UI
- Improved Chat UI spacing
🛠 Performance
- cold storage requests occurring in a separate thread (again)
- lazy loading data after cold start in a separate thread
🐛 Fixes
- other major performance improvements and optimizations
- fixed improper cache checks when loading older messages
- fixed editing encrypted messages
- fixed deleting encrypted messages
- fixed read receipts locally if toggled on
- fixed defaulting to device language
- fixed editing messages higher in the chat
- fixed opening links in Android 11
- fixed showing more icons in user previews
- fixed input text border regression
✨ Updates
- new translations and translation improvements!
📦 Downloads:
🔑 SHA256
- Android - d66f423bbba7879dff4402e6ef4670fa050436f20d6fa9deb2ae78bbfa81ba54
- MacOS - 12d66d57ab7ff55dd34b03d19d77359d7e1017e61eb681ef8a6cc629bb43b3e0
- Linux (x64) - 9c9f4c09ad1e0484c87ac83302c476513c92383b4afba3a2452cc23822359368
- Linux (arm64)(0.2.1) - 2a2b70143a7f0afe32809f481e24033ee794db4c1a1061524411d3dabdebe595