github syncfusion/ej2-angular-ui-components v19.1.67

latest releases: v19.4.56, v19.4.55, v19.4.54...
2 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #F165670 - Marker Explode is now rendered properly with image.
  • #328528 - Histogram is rendering properly when the binInterval value is 0.
  • #328780 - multiLevelLabelClick event is now triggering in canvas mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #I327457 - The issue with node gradient is not applied while continuously performing the undo and redo functionality issue has been fixed.
  • #330528 - The issue "Connector horizontal Alignment is not rendered properly at initial rendering" has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I324425, #I329144 - Resolved the issue "API docs not accessible for dialog after Position API".

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #FB25004 - Exported document with table is opened properly in Libre Office.
  • #I325323 - Textbox shape is now rendered properly.
  • #FB24917 - Document is now exporting properly after deleting comment.
  • #F163116 - Hanging indent is now retrieved properly in paragraph dialog.
  • #I327769 - Checkbox is now layout properly.
  • #I326567 - Nested table with preferred width type percent now rendered properly.
  • #I328479 - Resolved script error while deleting merged cells.


Bug Fixes

  • #329581 – Leader length is now working properly in the firefox browser.


Bug Fixes

  • #I269563 - Excel custom filter was not working in angular platform has been fixed.
  • #I329898, #I329726, #I330440, #I330494, #I330714, #I330816, #I331022 - Frozen headers not refreshed while refresh the grid in latest chrome is resolved.
  • #I327857 - Script error throws while save grid with edited state in two child grid is fixed.
  • #I329250 - Adaptive view filter function issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F165595 - The issue with "Card data changed even when the editing is canceled in the dialog(card editing)" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I329663 - Issue with "width is not applied to the fixed header element while scrolling the popup items" has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #328989 - Now, the clear and create button in the signature panel is enabled only on drawing the signature.
  • #328499 - Now, the stamp annotations are downloaded correctly in the PDF document.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #326766 - The column headers can now be scrolled using the mouse wheel.
  • #F165788 - The flickering issue that occurred when the component is refreshed has been fixed.
  • #330494, #330440, #330347, #329726, #330697, #330714 - The issue "Column headers are hidden" that occurred in latest version of Chrome browser has been fixed.

New Features

  • #327931 - "Headers and Footers" can now be set in engine exporting.
  • #325956 - The dependent components of the pivot table can now be localized.
  • #326340, #326432 - Introduced an event to customize the multi-level labels.
  • #326356 - The font of data labels in the pivot chart can now be customized.


Bug Fixes

  • #I327536 - The issue with "Class name MsoNormal being removed when pasting content with link from outlook" has been resolved.
  • #I329734 - The issue with "Image not pasted properly in the Rich Text Editor, when pasting content from outlook" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I327333 - An issue with the scheduler current time indicator position not maintained has been fixed.
  • #I329599 - An issue with the scheduler eventRendered event in agenda view has been fixed.
  • #F165707 - An issue with the external drag between two scheduler has been fixed.
  • #I330676 - An issue with the scheduler more popup is not updated when deleting the event in year view has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I328361 - Resizing row is not proper when the row contains \n in the data source issue has been fixed.
  • I328869, I329122 - Nested IF formula and SUMIF formula negative value issues resolved.
  • I328812 - Finite scrolling in virtual mode issue resolved.
  • I328809 - Sheet content scrolls up on editing issue resolved.

New Features

  • #I307401 - Filter UI updating for insert and delete column actions.
  • I328800 - Provided option for updating the paneTopLeftCell property dynamically.


Bug Fixes

  • #F165830 - An issue with Toolbar template when state of component changed in functional based components has been fixed.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I328708 - Child level aggregate values when using stacked header works fine.
  • #I312347 - Selected row is displayed properly in view port when Virtualization is enabled.

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