github syncfusion/ej2-angular-ui-components v18.1.52

latest releases: v19.4.56, v19.4.55, v19.4.54...
4 years ago

Accumulation chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I273694 - Legend paging issue when legend position in Right side fixed.

Dashboard Layout

New Features

  • #269881 - Provided support to restrict the dragging functionality of an individual panel by adding e-drag-restrict cssClass to the panel.


Bug Fixes

  • 273484 - Issue with state of event while the connector is being dragged is now resolved.
  • 274485 - Issue with dynamically added swimlane addInfo has been fixed.
  • 264654 - Console exception with cloning phase of swimlane is now resolved.
  • 275032 - Console exception while editing the annotation of node is resolved.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #271375 - Resolved table layout issue when table contain vertical merged cells.
  • #252868 - Resolved script error when minimize row height.
  • #267924 - Circular reference exception resolved when export the document contains chart.
  • #152124 - Resolved script error when modify style for locale changed text.
  • #266059 - Skipped adding bookmark when pasting content with bookmark.
  • #267949 - Table is now revert properly when insert table below another table.
  • #268472 - Selection format is now retrieved properly when paragraph contains more than two paragraph.
  • #269467 - List character format is now update properly when paragraph contains style.
  • #264813 - Tab width in list paragraph is now layout properly.
  • #264779 - Text clipping issue is resolved when text inside table.
  • #269397 - Context menu position is now update properly.
  • #269546 - Resolved key navigation issue when paragraph contains page break.
  • #269778 - $ symbol is now search properly when text contains $ symbol.
  • #269893 - Focus is in document editor after dialog gets closed.
  • #268907 - Selection character format is retrieved properly when selection is in list text.
  • #270424 - Footer content is now update properly when document contains more than one section.
  • #269743 , #266534 - Focus is now update properly in Firefox when navigate to bookmark or search result.
  • #271039 - When paste content in RTL paragraph, formatting is now update properly.
  • #271928 - Resolved script when trying to create a new document and document have broken comments.
  • #271886 - Right tab width issue when paragraph contains right indent.
  • #271986 - Resolved error when updating Table of Contents with comments.
  • #271967 , #271968 , #271971 - Paste text only in empty paragraph is now working properly.
  • #271985 - Resolved script error when remove page break after bookmark.
  • #272009 , #273868 - Modify style using numbering and paragraph dialog is now working properly.
  • #271977 - Pasting text in heading style is now maintain heading style in paragraph.
  • #271863 - Paragraph element splitting issue is now resolved when alignment is left and line combined with field.
  • #272290 - Resolved selection issue when paragraph contains line break character.
  • #272600 - Copy text with specific symbol (< , >) is now working properly.
  • #266059 - When pasting content with bookmark, bookmark is now preserved.
  • #269743 - Resolved focus issue in Firefox when navigate to bookmark or search result.
  • #269546 - Selection issue is now resolved when paragraph contains page break.
  • #274395 - Resolved script error when clicking on canvas in mobile view mode.
  • #273345 - Resolved table export issue when table contains vertical merge cell.
  • #271450 - Restricted user editing, when spinner is visible.

New Features

  • #267067,#267934 - Added API to customize font family dropdown.
  • #264911,#266076 - Added support for Legacy Form Fields.
  • Added support for updating bookmark cross reference fields.
  • Added height and width API to define height and width of document editor.


Bug Fixes

  • #268349 - Issue on maintaining duration data type gets resolved.
  • Column filter menu displayed in wrong place has been fixed.

New Features

  • Provided drag and drop support for resource view Gantt.
  • #271392 - Provided support to update task id dynamically.
  • #269776 - Provided support to indent a selected record.


Bug Fixes

-#273572 - script error after pressing enter key in batch edit mode issue has been resolved.

-#153383 - grid lines mismatched while scrolling with frozen column in firefox issue has been resolved.
-#273838 - Unnecessary to include an Empty row when inserting a frozenColumn Grid row issue has been resolved.
-#274520 - cellSeletected and cellDeSelected events triggers many time while selecting cells via mouse issue has been resolved.
-#275010 - Need internal events for column chooser buttons issue has been fixed.
-#274227 - cancel icon not rendered in the filter bar with movable header has been fixed.

New Features

  • #261103, #267581 - Provided the column Reordering support for Grid with virtualization and frozen columns feature.


Bug Fixes

  • Move to and move from throws script error when listbox rendered with item template issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F152908 - The issue sublist remains after deleting the parent list element in the Rich Text Editor has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #273016 - Now, the script error is resolved, when leaving a page.
  • #273988 - Now, the exception is thrown in not thrown in exportasimage method in multiple instances.
  • #274958 - Exception will no longer be thrown while unloading the PDF document.

New Features

  • #272181 - Provided the support to restrict the renderpdfpage request on zooming.
  • #F152931- Provided the support to check the PDF has a form fields in PDF Viewer control.
  • #271299 - Provided the support to enable/disable the form field using our PDF Viewer.
  • #258786 - Provided the support to edit the signature properties in programmatically.
  • #268715 - Provided the support to customize the default stamp type and its inner level types.
  • #273293 - Exposed the API to customize the measure annotation values.


Bug Fixes

  • #272563 - An issue with drag and drop of all day events doesn't work properly when we disable timeScale property has been fixed.
  • #271586 - An issue with event is not created in Sunday and Saturday of the WorkWeek view has been fixed.
  • #153364 - An issue with appointment alignment while rotation has been fixed.
  • #273474 - An issue with editFollowingEvent has been fixed.

New Features

  • Now resource grouping support has been added in timeline year view.


Bug Fixes

  • #273127 - Resolved the issue "Splitter resizing does not work as expected in the internet explorer browser".
  • F153749 - Issue with "Splitter expand and collapse action doesn't work as expected after the pane resize" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Now, selected files persist properly when enabling enablePersistence property.

New Features

  • #F150695 - Now, you can customize the drag operation effect using dropEffect property.

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