github symfony/webpack-encore v1.1.2
Fixes related to webpack-dev-server & HMR

latest releases: v4.6.1, v4.6.0, v4.5.0...
3 years ago

Hi Webpackers!

This release fixes some bad behavior when using HMR with the dev-server. Previously, on any change (even those where the page should have been updated with HMR without a page refresh), the page would refresh. PR #939 fixes that by disabling auto-refresh. This means that your page will not refresh automatically after making a change. This was a trade-off, as HMR was unusable currently. Hopefully a future version of webpack-dev-server may address this.

Other PR's include:

  • minor #940 Clarify missing css file error message (thanks to @Gadgetdude)
  • bug #938 Require vue-loader 15.9.5 to work with Encore 1.0 (thanks to @weaverryan)

To upgrade:

yarn upgrade "@symfony/webpack-encore@^1.1.2"



Happy packing!

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