github symfony/ux v2.9.0
New StimulusBundle + AssetMapper Support

latest releases: v2.17.0, v2.16.0, v2.15.0...
11 months ago

Hi UX people!

This release includes significant, but lower-level changes:

A) A new StimulusBundle was added! This is the new home for the {{ stimulus_controller() }}, {{ stimulus_action() }} and {{ stimulus_target() }} Twig functions that were previously part of WebpackEncoreBundle. These functions work the same as before, though the internals of how they do their job was improved.

B) Several UX packages (e.g. ux/chartjs) that previously relied on WebpackEncoreBundle internally now rely on StimulusBundle. Though, you shouldn't notice any difference.

C) Support for Symfony 6.3's new AssetMapper component were added to all packages.

In addition to this, several bugs were fixed in TwigComponent's new HTML syntax, LiveComponent and Chart.js.


Due to a bug in Symfony Flex, when upgrading your dependencies, you may get an error like:

Uncaught Exception: The service "chartjs.twig_extension" has a dependency on a non-existent service "stimulus.helper"

To fix this, run composer update one more time. The problem is, after the first update, Symfony Flex may not properly add StimulusBundle to config/bundles.php. After the 2nd update, it should be added, and the error will go away. See #907.

Diff: v2.8.1...v2.9.0


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