github symfony/ux v2.7.0
TypeScript Types, JavaScript Bubbling & Many LiveComponent Improvements

latest releases: v2.18.1, v2.18.0, v2.17.0...
17 months ago

Hi UX people!

This release is a big mixture of a lot of nice changes. The most notable are that (A) TypeScript types are now included in the packages, (B) all Stimulus events (e.g. chartjs:connect) now "bubble" so that you can attach listeners around the controllers (this was already the case for some packages, but not all) and (C) MANY continued improvements and fixes for LiveComponents.

Diff: v2.6.1...v2.7.0

UX Autocomplete

  • Add assets/src to .gitattributes to exclude them from the installation

  • Fix minCharacters option default value handling when using a falsy value like 0.

  • Fix TypeScript types

  • Add a new route parameter to AsEntityAutocompleteField, which allows to choose another route for Ajax calls.

  • Fix minCharacters option default value handling when using a falsy value like 0.

  • Fix TypeScript types

  • Add a way to detect if a field is an "autocomplete" field in form themes - #608

UX Chartjs

  • The chartjs:connect JavaScript event now bubbles up.

  • Add assets/src to .gitattributes to exclude source TypeScript files from

  • TypeScript types are now included.

UX Cropperjs

  • The JavaScript events now bubble up.

  • Add assets/src to .gitattributes to exclude source TypeScript files from

  • TypeScript types are now included.


  • The JavaScript events now bubble up.

  • Add assets/src to .gitattributes to exclude source TypeScript files from

  • TypeScript types are now included.


  • The JavaScript events now bubble up.

  • Add assets/src to .gitattributes to exclude source TypeScript files from

  • TypeScript types are now included.


  • [BC BREAK]: The "key" used to load the controller in your assets/controllers.json
    file changed from typed to live. Update your assets/controllers.json
    file to change this key.

  • Add a strategy for adding a Stimulus controller to a Twig component - #589.

  • Added a new getCompontent() function in JavaScript as the best way to find
    a Component object for a given element.

  • Fixed various bugs related to child component handling - #596

  • Added a new route parameter to AsLiveComponent, which allows to choose
    another route for Ajax calls.

  • Add assets/src to .gitattributes to exclude source TypeScript files from

  • TypeScript types are now included.

  • Added new response:error JavaScript component hook for custom handling Ajax errors - #587.


  • Add assets/src to .gitattributes to exclude source TypeScript files from

  • TypeScript types are now included.


  • Add assets/src to .gitattributes to exclude source TypeScript files from

  • TypeScript types are now included.


  • The JavaScript events now bubble up.

  • Add assets/src to .gitattributes to exclude source TypeScript files from

  • TypeScript types are now included.


  • Add assets/src to .gitattributes to exclude source TypeScript files from

  • TypeScript types are now included.


  • PreMount and PostMount hooks can now return nothing.


  • Add assets/src to .gitattributes to exclude source TypeScript files from

  • TypeScript types are now included.


  • Add assets/src to .gitattributes to exclude source TypeScript files from

  • TypeScript types are now included.


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