github symfony/demo v2.4.0

latest releases: v2.5.1, v2.5.0
4 months ago

This is the first version that runs on Symfony 6.4 🎉

New features

[701f9d0] Use 303 redirections after form submissions (@Arkounay)
[b19c543] Enable backtraces in Doctrine profiler (@GromNaN)
[945a0f2] Create link_source_file helper to replace internal WebProfiler helper (@GromNaN)
[38ad58e][72040e7] Update to Symfony 6.4 (@javiereguiluz)

Bug fixes

[27f08c4] Show invisible alerts (fix #1440) (@smnandre)
[578246c] Update documentation links (@smnandre)
[23ff699] Fix comment stating isSubmitted is optional (@smnandre)
[c9494ec] Add notice to messenger for async code (@94noni)

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