New features
[bd874e9] Added app.json "test" script for Heroku CI (@dzuelke)
[43f2fa4] Added "show" button on edit post (@yceruto)
Bug fixes
[08eaa5b] Updated all templates to use the Twig coding standards (@michaelperrin)
[1e0b3d6] Implemented Serializable interface in the User entity (@apetitpa)
[b6bf522][28771b0] Updated the DocBlocks of the entities (@cafferata, @bocharsky-bw)
[eb13619] Use the newer stack for HHVM on Tracis CI (@bocharsky-bw)
[fdffbcc] Removed some unused translations (@bocharsky-bw)
[b2600e1] Updated the Spanish translation (@elkuku)
[d36aa57] Updated the German translation (@elkuku)
[8277084] Updated the Russian translation (@bocharsky-bw)
[236389d] Updated the Ukrainian translation (@bocharsky-bw)