github sycamore-rs/sycamore 0.4.0
✨ 0.4.0

latest releases: 0.9.1, 0.9.0, 0.9.0-beta.4...
3 years ago


  • ⚡️ Features

    • Iteration using SignalVec. This is more of an experiment and there are some bugs. This will most likely be removed in a future version [[@lukechu10], #49]
    • Keyed iteration using Keyed and non-keyed iteration using Indexed which can iterate over a Signal<Vec>. This is the recommended way to iterate over a list of values [[@lukechu10], #51, #53 and #54]
    • Node references. Use the ref attribute to bind an HTML element to a NodeRef [[@lukechu10], #57]
  • 🛠 Fixes

  • 🛠 Internal Fixes and Improvements

  • 🎁 Examples

    • Complete spec conforming TodoMVC implementation [[@lukechu10], #60]

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